Problem set 02

For the session on 28 January, finish doing problem 2.7, then do problems 1.1 and 2.1 in Yuri's booklet. If you want more (optional), show that equations (1.26)-(1.28) in the compendium hold (use the version dated 7 January 2014).

Expectation values arise from the probabilities governing the system under study. What is your expected return if you put your money on red N times?

Brief solutions here

Av Eirik Grude Flekk?y, J?rgen Kjoshagen Tr?mborg
Publisert 22. jan. 2014 13:14 - Sist endret 3. mars 2014 14:12

In case you wondered: in problem 2.1 the lowercase letters denote per mol quantities (for example, the volume v=V*N_A/N, where V is the system volume). Also, the constants a, b differ from the a, b in equation (1.3) in the compendium by factors of N_A. ? - 23. jan. 2014 16:00

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