Welcome to the blog

Welcome to the blog! Here we post about the topic of the weekly lectures and the problem set for the weekly tutorials. Enjoy and please leave a message if you have any other requests. 

Publisert 13. jan. 2014 11:33

Kommentarfeltene skal n? v?re ?pne for alle som logger inn, enten med UiO-brukernavn eller med WebID.

jorgentr@uio.no - 13. jan. 2014 11:35


Yuri Galperins problem set?will serve as the main source of problems.

Problems for the first group session 21.01:??2.2, 2.5 and 2.7

Eirik Grude Flekk?y - 14. jan. 2014 12:31

hi ... please were can I get lecture notes for this course online? Thank you as I look forward to hearing from u guys..Raphael.

fisika@webid.uio.no - 20. feb. 2014 02:06

In Specifically need section?7.6.3?that talks about Bose-Condensation.

fisika@webid.uio.no - 20. feb. 2014 02:07

my email ID is raphael@aims.ac.za. tanks

fisika@webid.uio.no - 20. feb. 2014 02:08

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