Course plan and material


Week number Theme Chapters in book Monday Wednesday Theory / Simulation / Experiment / Discussion, Writing Exersises FYS2160
34 Introduction. Order from disorder. What's inside cells 1,2 x Lecture   Your turn 1A, Problems 1.3, 1.7, 2.2, 2.5  
35 Basic statistical mechanics 3 Lecture       Ideal gas, equipartition of energy, Micro<->Macro
36 Random walks and diffusion 4 Lecture Experiment Exp: passive swimmers & active swimmers (E coli) RW+MD Multiplicity
37 Low Reynolds number world 5 Lecture       Entropy, thermal equilibrium
38 Entropy, temperature, free energy


Lecture     Report on passive & active swimmers Mechanical & chemical equilibrium, free energies
39 Entropic forces 7       Exercise 10  
40 Midterm break         Exercise 9 Boltzmann statistics, partition function


Midterm break            
42 Cellular Potts model (CPM)   Lecture SImulation Teori, Simulering    
43 Cellular Potts model (CPM), Chemical forces & self assembly 8 Lecture Lecture/Sim Simulering, Skrive Report on CPM simulations  
44 Machines in membranes 11 Lecture Lecture      
45 Nerve impulses 12 Lecture Lecture      
46 Nervous system   Lecture Experiment Experiment: Ca2+ imaging in mouse    
47 Nervous system   Lecture Simulation  Sim    
48 Repetition + exam   Lecture/discussion     Potato or Fish: change in impedance  
  Chapter 6: FYS2160            
  Chapter 9: Skip            
  Chapter 10: Skip??            


Week 35

Week 36:

Week 37: Life at low Reynolds number

Handwritten notes

Week 38: Entropic forces at work

Monday: PPT and handwritten notes

Wednesday: handwritten notes

Week 39: Entropic forces at work, why cells are microscopic

Monday: Paper: Why cells are microscopic, handwritten notes

Wednesday: Exercise

Week 40 & 41: Midterm break

Week 42: Cellular Potts model (CPM)

Led by by Alvaro K?hn-Luque
Title: Modelling and simulation of multicellular systems using the cellular Potts model
In this part of the course the students will learn how to model and simulate multicellular and multiscale systems using the cellular Potts model and the software Morpheus:  It consists of a 90 minutes lecture followed by two hands-on sessions of 80 minutes each.
Lecture 14 Oct, 8:30-10:00: Modelling multicellular systems using the cellular Potts model.
Hands-on sessions 16 Oct 8:30-12:00: Getting Started with Morpheus. Simulation and analysis of simple models.
1) Before the lecture, students should read at least Chapter II.2: The Cellular Potts Model and Biophysical Properties of Cells, Tissues and Morphogenesis
in this book: (free download from UiO)
I attach to this mail the whole section II of the book, which is all about the cellular Potts model, in case students have time and special interest in the topic.
2) For the practical sessions, students should install the software Morpheus ( and Gnuplot ( in their own laptops. In case of problems, contact Alvaro K?hn-Luque (
1. Cell sorting
2. Tumor growth (xml file)
3. Networks (movie)
Links about the CPM:

Week 43 & 44: Chemical forces and self assembly + finish CPM project

Lecture notes. Hemoglobin models. Recap on chemical potential. Recap on Gibbs factor and more on hemoglobin

Week 45: Ions at membranes, membrane potentials to action potential

Handwritten notes


Week 46: Calcium imaging


Review about the two-photon technique in neuroscience:

About the most used calcium sensor GCaMP 6:

Monday: Lecture on fluorescence

Wednesday: Experiment

Week 47: Simulating nerve impulses

Led by Geir Halnes

Monday: Lecture

Wednesday: Simulation. Zip file with python code. Exercise.pdf & Python code

Week 48:

Monday: Repetition and exam projects given

Thursday: Exam

Publisert 12. aug. 2019 11:26 - Sist endret 26. okt. 2020 19:13