
Publisert 25. nov. 2006 17:48

The final Projects are defined and can be accessed through the course's webpage. Final presentations will take place on December 14th.

Publisert 14. nov. 2006 13:32

Today's lecture cancelled due to illness. Solve and deliver the answers to exercises: (1) Introduction and (2) Particles. EVEN or ODD numbers have been assigned to you per e-mail.

Publisert 10. okt. 2006 11:25

Ingen forelesning denne uken (undervisningsfri). Jobb med prosjektene.

Publisert 3. okt. 2006 11:23

This is to remind that the deadline for mid-term project reports is October 19. You can send your report electronically. 15-minutes presentations will be given the following 2/3 weeks.

Publisert 18. sep. 2006 11:35

Ingen forelesning tirsdag 19 september og tirsdag 26 september. Husk ? jobbe med oppgavene.

Publisert 15. aug. 2006 12:11

OBS! F?rste forelesning i FYS2010 er flyttet én uke, og starter mandag 28 august.