FYS2150L – Practical work in physics education
Course description
Course content
The course deals with physics as an experimental subject, with particular emphasis on experiments appropriate for physics in schools. School physics has a broad goal where the more general education aspects of the subject are maintained, while it gives a good basis for further studies in physics.
Learning outcome
Learning goals: After the course, students should be able to:
? describe and discuss how experiments are important to the development of physics as a science
? master central experimental methods and procedures (control of variables, analysis of uncertainty and experimental error, hypothesis testing, etc. )
? discuss the rationale for using experiments in school physics teaching
? give an overview of research on students’ learning, attitudes and skills related to experiments in school physics
? perform experiments with common equipment in a physics laboratory, with particular emphasis on equipment that is available in schools
? conduct a ”repertoire” of suitable experiments for use in physics teaching, develop the experiments further for particular teaching purposes, and design new experiments
? use ICT in physics teaching, with particular emphasis on data logging (“microcomputer-based experiments”)
? describe the use of models in physics, and perform simple empirical-mathematical modelling
? handle and control safety in the physics laboratory
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
Formal prerequisite knowledge
The following courses must be passed before the first day of the mandatory laboratory course in FYS2150L:
- HMS0503 – Laboratory Safety or MNHMS0010LS – Innf?ring i laboratoriesikkerhet (discontinued) or MNHMS0020LS – In-depth Laboratory Safety (discontinued)
- HMS0505 – Electricity Safety or MNHMS0015ES – Introduction to Electricity Safety (discontinued)
For students who took FYS2150L in spring 2015 or later, FYS2150L can not be part of a degree until the following courses have been passed:
- MNHMS0015 – Introduction to Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) (discontinued) or HMS0501 – Safety and Physical Environment and HMS0502 – Positive Learning Environment and HMS0507 – Fire Safety
- HMS0505 – Electricity Safety or MNHMS0015ES – Introduction to Electricity Safety (discontinued)
For further information se website for transitional arrangements between old and new HSE courses.
Overlapping courses
5 credits overlap with FYS3810 – Physics Education Research and Practice
The course is mainly work in laborotory, but will (according to learning goals) also contain some theoretical matters.
Before you can attend the mandatory laboratory courses, you have to have passed the following caourses:
- HMS0503 – Laboratory Safety or MNHMS0010LS – Innf?ring i laboratoriesikkerhet (discontinued) or MNHMS0020LS – In-depth Laboratory Safety (discontinued)
- HMS0505 – Electricity Safety or MNHMS0015ES – Introduction to Electricity Safety (discontinued)
You will need to provide documentation that you have passed HMS0503 and HMS0505 when you attend the first mandatory lab.
As the teaching involves laboratory and/or field work, you should consider taking out a separate travel and personal risk insurance. Read about your insurance cover as a student.
Access to teaching
A student who has completed compulsory instruction and coursework and has had these approved, is not entitled to repeat that instruction and coursework. A student who has been admitted to a course, but who has not completed compulsory instruction and coursework or had these approved, is entitled to repeat that instruction and coursework, depending on available capacity.
Evaluation of labreports counting 80 % and project counting 20 %.
Examination support material
No examination support material is allowed.
Language of examination
You may submit your response in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. If you would prefer to have the exam text in English, you may apply to the course administrators.
Grading scale
Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.
Explanations and appeals
Resit an examination
This course offers both postponed and resit of examination. Read more:
Special examination arrangements
Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.