
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
12.01.2004AMS? F?364? Introduction, Crystal structure? Ch. 1?
14.01.2004AMS? F?443A? Crystal structure? Ch. 1?
19.01.2004AMS? F?364? Crystal structure, reciprocal lattice? Ch. 1, Ch. 2?
21.01.2004AMS? F?443A? Reciprocal lattice, Miller indicies? Ch. 1, Ch. 2?
26.01.2004AMS? F?364? Diffraction theory? Ch. 2?
28.01.2004AMS? F?443A? Diffraction theory? Ch. 2?
02.02.2004AMS? F?364? Diffraction theory, Quasicrystals? Ch.2, Lecture notes on quasicrystals?
04.02.2004AMS? F?443A? Amorphous solids? Ch. 17?
09.02.2004AMS? F?364? Amorphous solids? Ch. 17?
11.02.2004AMS? F?443A? Point defects? Ch. 18?
16.02.2004AMS? F?364? Diffusion? Ch. 18?
18.02.2004AMS? F?443A? Diffusion? Ch. 18?
23.02.2004AMS? F?364? Elasticity theory, dislocations? Ch. 20?
25.02.2004AMS? F?443A? Dislocations? Ch. 20?
01.03.2004AMS? F?364? Strength of materials? Lecture notes?
03.03.2004AMS? F?443A? Fracture? Lecture notes?
08.03.2004AMS? F?364? Crystal binding, Lattice vibrations? Ch. 3, Ch. 4?
10.03.2004AMS? F?443A? Lattice vibrations? Ch. 4?
15.03.2004AMS? F?364? QM of Lattice Vibrations? App. C?
17.03.2004AMS? F?443A? Phonon processes? Ch. 4?
22.03.2004AMS? F?364? Phonon processes, Debye theory? Ch. 4, Ch. 5?
24.03.2004AMS? F?443A? Debye theory? Ch. 5?
29.03.2004AMS? F?364? No lecture due to exam? ?
31.03.2004AMS? FV414? Midterm exam? 0900-1200?
Publisert 27. okt. 2003 15:51 - Sist endret 22. mars 2004 11:12