Practical assingments and mandatory deliveries

The practical assignments to deal with - as a minimum - in particular for the Module I are available from the course website. In addition to these assignments, if you want, you can explore those provided in the corresponding chapters of the book.  

As explained initially at the lectures, the mandatory assignments to deliver to me, will be selected from the practical assignments published at the course website. The choice is done by me and I'll make it public in some advance before the delivery deadline. Specifically, for the Module I, the delivery deadline is set to 15:00CET on the 6th of February and the selection of the mandatory part of assignments will be published on the 3rd of February after the practical assignment session finished. Thus, a reasonable strategy for successful deliveries might be to start working with all practical assignment as soon as possible also benefiting from the synchronization with the lectures. NB, label your delivery with a candidate nr - not your name. Delivery can be made to the Expedition Office at the Dept of Physics or via email to me - in any case only the candidate nr should be visible for me.

The same mechanism is foreseen for the practical assignments and mandatory deliveries for Modules II, III, and IV having delivery deadline on the 6/3, 10/4, and 15/5. 


Publisert 26. jan. 2017 14:01 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2017 14:01