Last three sessions before exam on Jun10-11

I am still on sick-leave until next week.

Tomorrow, during the session 12:15-14:00, work on Project 2-B now uploaded to the course page. You are welcome to deliver  your results by Monday 14:15, the latest, next week, if you want me to correct them and give feed-back. Feel free to work together. A colleague will open the door to the lecture room for you.

We will use the last 2 lectures next week to talk about outstanding questions and future prospects, some of which have been tackled during the CERN visit.

I could unfortunately not give you back project 2 last week (except the lucky ones who delivered them electronically). You will get them next week.

All 16 delivered projects are approved.


Publisert 22. mai 2013 14:16 - Sist endret 22. mai 2013 14:32