
Publisert 27. nov. 2003 01:00

Message 1

OBLIG 2 is cancelled ! :)

Message 2

Exercises for the Friday 28.11 seminar:

  • Exam 1998 # 2
  • Exam 2000 # 3

Publisert 6. nov. 2003 01:00

Information on date and time + allowed accessories (tillatte hjelpemidler) for Midtermexam (Wed. 12. november at. 1000) may be found here . Here is also given information on grading, the actual use of these intermediate grades for the final course grade, and on the publication of the grades.

The actual texts for the labs in ESR and Medical Physics are now available and may be picked up at Einar's office - and will be distributed at the lecture on Fri. 7.

Publisert 4. nov. 2003 01:00

The schedule for the labs has now been set up, and can be found on this link .

Publisert 22. okt. 2003 02:00

Answers to the exercises worked on Wednesday are found on this link

Publisert 16. okt. 2003 02:00

On the following link, you will as a pdf-file find the text for the exercises to be solved during the lecture hours on Wed. Oct. 22 @ 1015 - 1200. Answers to these exercises will be put on the net on Tue Oct. 21.

Publisert 8. okt. 2003 02:00

The date for the mid-term exam has been changed to Wed. Nov 12 @1000 - 1200 due to collisions with other courses. Information about the details of the arrangement will be given later.

The date for the final exam is now finally set to Dec. 17., 2003 . More details about this later.

Publisert 25. sep. 2003 02:00

The text for OBLIG 1 is now available as a html-file or as a pdf-file for download. Remember that deadline for the return is Oct. 03 at 1600 hours. See also the Undervisningsplan

Publisert 17. sep. 2003 02:00

Information about form of exam is now given on the presentation of this course

Publisert 3. sep. 2003 02:00

Due to a Master degree final exam on Friday 5th, the regular lecture in FYS3710 on Friday 5th, 1015 - 1200 must be cancelled. I am sorry for this inconvenience. We will continue on next Wednesday picking up what we lost. Hence, the time schedule has now been adjusted henceforth.

Publisert 29. aug. 2003 02:00

The web-pages for this course will appear soon. Firstly, detailed schedules and lists over the required reading (pensum) will be listed, later information about problems, deadlines for compulsory deliveries, laboratory excercises, excursions, midterm-exam and final exam vil appear on these pages - in addition to publication and discussions at the regular lectures.