Final written exam: Date and …

Final written exam:Date and time: Friday Dec. 01, 2006 at 14:30 (3 hours). Location: Sal D, seksjon 14 Hasle Tennissenter, ?stre hall.

Take the subway (T-bane) to Hasle Station. The Tennis Center is supposed to be very close to that station.

I will be present at about 15:15 to answer questions.

Permitted helping aids for the exam:Matematiske og fysiske tabeller for gymnaset/Math. and physical tables for the high-school/gymnasium. ?grim og Lian: Fysiske st?rrelser og enheter. Navn og symboler /Physical entities and units. Names and symbols. Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling/Mathematical formulaes Godkjente elektroniske lommekalkulatorer/accepted electronic calculators

The only thing you really need is a simple calculator.

It will not be possible for us to finish reading and grading your lab reports before the final exams. They can (and should) be picked up at my office the week after the exam.

It has been a pleasure having you as students in FYS3710 this term. Good luck with the exam!


Publisert 24. nov. 2006 18:21 - Sist endret 21. des. 2006 20:10