
Publisert 21. des. 2006 20:00

The final exams have now been graded by myself (Einar) and independently, by another faculty in the Biophysics group. In addition the same censor as previous years, who is working at another Norwegian university, has reviewed the grading of the final exams and the other elements contributing to the final mark. The list of results has been submitted to the University.

The list of the final marks is available here.

All the best for Christmas and the new year 2007 to all of you!

Publisert 1. des. 2006 15:03

Fasit til eksamensoppgaver h?st 2006 finnes her

Publisert 24. nov. 2006 18:21

Final written exam:Date and time: Friday Dec. 01, 2006 at 14:30 (3 hours). Location: Sal D, seksjon 14 Hasle Tennissenter, ?stre hall.

Take the subway (T-bane) to Hasle Station. The Tennis Center is supposed to be very close to that station.

I will be present at about 15:15 to answer questions.

Permitted helping aids for the exam:Matematiske og fysiske tabeller for gymnaset/Math. and physical tables for the high-school/gymnasium. ?grim og Lian: Fysiske st?rrelser og enheter. Navn og symboler /Physical entities and units. Names and symbols. Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling/Mathematical formulaes Godkjente elektroniske lommekalkulatorer/accepted electronic calculators

The only thing you really need is a simple calculator.

It will not be possible for us to finish reading and grading your lab reports before the final exams. They can (and should) be picked up at my offic...

Publisert 16. nov. 2006 17:27

Her er data fra Lab-Oppgaven p? Radiumhospitalet , data dere ville ha f?tt akseleratoren fungerte, dvs. dybdedoser for 6 og 15 MV fotoner og 9 og 16 MeV elektroner. Meningen er at dere skal plotte opp disse kurvene i rapporten, SAMMEN MED DATA FRA Co-60 M?LINGENE!

Publisert 8. nov. 2006 12:21

De tre lab-oppgavene kan lasted ned p? linken nedenfor.

The tre lab-texts (in Norwegian only!) may be downloaded at the links below.

EPR , Radiation biology , Medical Physics

Publisert 7. nov. 2006 18:46

Fasit til Oblig2 kan lastes ned her Oblig2 kan hentes p? mitt kontor eller p? forelesningene onsdag og fredag.

The answers to Oblig2 can be downloaded here The Oblig2 can be picked up at my office or at the lectures on Wednesday or Friday.

Publisert 3. nov. 2006 17:28
Publisert 1. nov. 2006 20:35

Finally, here are the results from the Mid-term exam. I am sorry for the small delay.

Publisert 30. okt. 2006 12:33

Lecture notes for the two MRI lectures by Prof. Atle Bj?rnerud and the Radiation Therapy lecture by Prof. Dag Rune Olsen are now available for download or viewing from the detailed teaching plan pages.

Publisert 26. okt. 2006 16:44

Unfortunately, the lecture Friday Oct. 27 must be cancelled. This will give us a small problem with the schedule.

OBLIG 2 may be downloaded from here, in Norwegian and in English

Publisert 18. okt. 2006 17:44

Et sammendrag av studentenes midtveisevaluering av kurset/A summary of the student's midtermevaluation of the course kan lastes ned her/can be downloded here

Publisert 17. okt. 2006 18:06

Fasiter til midtveiseksamen/Answers to the midtermexam kan lastes ned her/can be downloaded here

Publisert 11. okt. 2006 18:57

Obligene er ferdig rettet og kan hentes hos Einar /The oblig's have been evaluated and may be obtained at Einars office.

Publisert 10. okt. 2006 13:43

Previous (2001 - 2005) final exam papers and solutions (in Norwegian only) may be downloaded here I'm still working on making pdf-files of these, and also including, in a few cases, English versions.

Publisert 6. okt. 2006 17:48

Tillatte hjelpemidler til eksamen /Permitted helping aids for the exams:

  • Matematiske og fysiske tabeller for gymnaset/Math. and physical tables for the high-school
  • ?grim og Lian: Fysiske st?rrelser og enheter. Navn og symboler /Physical entities and units. Names and symbols.
  • Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling/Mathematical formulaes
  • Godkjente elektroniske lommekalkulatorer/accepted electronic calculators

Det eneste som faktisk kan trenges er en enkel kalkulator /The only thing you really need is a simple calculator.

Good luck to all of you!

Publisert 26. sep. 2006 13:03

Fasit til Oblig1 er lagt ut p? nettet. Se 'detljert undervisningsplan'.

Answers for Oblig 1 can be downloaded form the web-pages of the 'detailed teaching plan'

Publisert 22. aug. 2006 20:07

Velkommen til FYS 3710 h?sten 2006! (see English text below)

Informasjon om pensum og pensumb?ker vil bli gitt p? f?rste forelesning, onsdag 23. august kl. 1015, rom KV 346*.

En forel?pig undervisningsplan er tilgjengelig p? disse sider - dog med sterke forbehold om endringer underveis i semesteret.

Welcome to FYS 3710 Fall 2006!

Information on required reading and books will be given at the first lecture, Wednesday Aug. 23. @ 1015 hours, room KV 346.

A preliminary teaching plan for this course is presented on these web-pages, although changes may be made during the term.