We meet on Tuesday 19.5 at 9:00 to discuss the status of your final projects. In addition to having finalised completely the outline and gathered the relevant references, you should have started to work on various details.
Now that the final projects have been defined, the remaining session slots should be 100% used to prepare the final reports.
Project 3 - Hands on Higgs - is uploaded. Delivery deadline: April 30th. Some material discussed during the CERN visit might be useful.
Some nice reading after the CERN visit 2 weeks ago
Reminder: Tomorrow (7th) and Wednesday's lectures on Supersymmetry.
This field will be used to announce information and short plans.
Week 7. Bring laptop to the classroom.
10.2. Introduction to CompHEP after finishing QCD lecture.
11.2. Hands-on CompHEP with Magnar Bugge. Goal is to sort out all technical problems and details, and to learn how to program and be able to extend the Standard Model in vue of Project 2.
CERN vist. Preliminary program.
The deadline for the two first projects are extended by one week Project 1 – February 11th and Project 2 – March 17th.
Students are recommended to have their laptops with them during the sessions.
Install the CompHEP tool It is straight forward on linux-based OS. Usually more difficult on MAC and Windows PC. Share your experience with the class in case you manage! In any case you can login to the local linux machines at the university (using your account) and run the program.
Welcome everybody. This is to confirm that the first lecture FYS4560 will take place on Wednesday 21st January 2015. Room ?393 at 12:15.