Permitted materials on the exam are:
Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling (all editions)
It is here
Important: If anyone is taking the PhD version of the course, FYS9630, please e-mail me ASAP.
To compile and link the uvspec program use the command as shown in assignment10. But do not copy the command and past it into the the command window, it will not work. Type the command using the keyboard. Note that you will get a warning message when you compile/link , but just ignore it.
Twe two-stream program, assignment and updated timeplan will be available Thursday October 19.
The administration has removed "timeplan" for next. However lectures next week will go as planned: 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 and assignment #6 on Tuesday. I have asked the administration to add next week in the "timeplan".
Lecture plan: see 'Timeplan'
Assignment #1 : see 'Weekly assignments'.