
Publisert 29. mai 2007 13:41

Permitted materials at exam: All printed and handwritten + calculator. Good luck!

Publisert 21. mai 2007 11:30

Remember feedback and evaluation of the project tomorrow, Tuesday May 22 in 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken. See details for schedule under "Project information".

Publisert 18. mai 2007 11:05

Wednesday May 23 and Thursday May 24: We continue repeating the curriculum, focussing on the "Exercises for May". Johan intends to go through question 4.6 - 6.7 in "Exercises for May" on Wednesday, and the rest of the questions on Thursday.

Publisert 15. mai 2007 08:49

Deadline for SIMS report is May 21. Please send the report to:

Publisert 11. mai 2007 17:48

You find "Schedule for feedback and evaluation" of the project and project report under "Project information".

Publisert 10. mai 2007 12:45

AFM-lab as planned. Location: 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken. See "Lab groups" for details.

Publisert 9. mai 2007 17:49

Wednesday May 16: We start repeating the curriculum, focusing on the "Exercises for May". Johan will go through the questions related to chapter 2 and chapter 4 in Flewitt and Wild, that is from question 2.1 - 4.10 in "Exercises for May". No teaching on May 17 which is a holiday in Norway.

Publisert 3. mai 2007 09:21

Wednesday May 9: Lecture by Terje Finstad on AFM, STM (scanning probes). AFM-lab on Friday May 11, Monday May 14 and Tuesday May 15 in 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken close to the SEM-lab. But first now, the SIMS-lab, see datails under "Beskjed 27.04.2007" and under the heading "Lab groups".( No exercises on Thursday May 10)

Publisert 27. apr. 2007 18:56

Sem lab journal should be e-mailed to

Publisert 27. apr. 2007 08:50

There will be no lecture on Wednesday May 2. If you would like to discuss the project or project report that day you are welcome to do so by visiting the office of Johan Taft? in 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken (near the TEM-rooms) between 08.00 and 12.00. SIMS-lab on Friday May 4, Monday May 7 and Tuesday May 8. More details about how to enter the MiNa building for the SIMS lab can be found under the heading "Lab groups". (No exercises on Thursday May 3.)

Publisert 20. apr. 2007 12:04

Wednesday April 25: Lecture by Jens Christensen on SIMS. Thursday April 26: We meet in the lecture room in the Physics building at 12.15 as usual. From there you will be guided to the MiNa-lab to be introduced to the new XPS-instrument and other facilities.

Publisert 19. apr. 2007 12:31

No SEM lab on Friday 20/4 du to problems with the microscope.

Publisert 19. apr. 2007 10:46

Feed-back on your project report/Evaluation of your project work will be arranged roughly one week after the deadline for delivering the project report which is May 11. For about 15 minutes one student at a time will meet with two teachers on the course to discuss the project. We aim at having these meetings with the students on Tuesday May 22. If this is an inconvinient time for you, you may suggest another day. More details will be given in a day or so.

Publisert 13. apr. 2007 18:00

Fagutvalget will have a course evaluation on Wednesday 18. April at 11.45. The last 15 minutes of the lecture.

Publisert 12. apr. 2007 14:39

Wednesday April 18: Lecture by Sissel J?rgensen on SEM. SEM-lab on Friday April 20, Monday April 23 and Tuesday April 24 at the location where we had the TEM-lab.(No exercise on Thursday April 19.)

Publisert 30. mars 2007 10:02

Two items: Item 1: As we have agreed upon the project report should be delivered no later than May 11. Item 2: On April 11 Sissel J?rgensen will give a lecture on SEM (scanning electron microscopy). On April 12 Sissel will rerun her XPS lecture. There will be no lab the following Friday, Monday and Tuesday. See also under the heading "Undervisningsplan".

Publisert 28. mars 2007 12:33

Cancellation. There will be no teaching tomorrow,Thursday March 29. The visit to the MiNa lab is cancelled.

Publisert 26. mars 2007 09:53

Wednesday March 28: Lecture by Sissel J?rgensen on x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Thursday March 29: We meet in the usual lecture room in the Physics building, room ?157, at 12.15. From there you will be guided to the MiNa-lab to be introduced to the new XPS-instrument and other characterization facilities. There will be no lab on Friday March 30, Monday April 2 and Tuesday April 3.

Publisert 21. mars 2007 07:38

Program similar to previous week. Wednesday, March 21: Lecture by Anette Gunn?s on transmission electron microscopy(TEM). TEM-lab on Friday, Monday and Tuesday in 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken.(No exercise on Thursday).

Publisert 13. mars 2007 09:59

Wednesday, March 14: Lecture by Anette Gunn?s on transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEM-lab on Friday, Monday and Tuesday in 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken at the same location where we had the metallography and optical lab four weeks ago.(No exercise on Tuesday).

Publisert 6. mars 2007 09:25

Wednesday March 07. Lecture on spectroscopy. Thursday March 08. Problem solving: Determine the extinction rules for the diamond structure. Furthermore, the exercises on the handout dated 22.02.07

Publisert 26. feb. 2007 16:31

Wednesday February 28. First hour: Lecture by Ole Bj?rn Karlsen on x-ray diffraction. Second hour: Leaving the lecture room in the Physics building at 11.15 to visit the x-ray diffraction facilities in the Chemistry building where the lab will take place later (on Friday, Monday and Tuesday).

Publisert 16. feb. 2007 08:00

Wednesday, February 21.: Lecture on atomic scattering factors, reciprocal lattice and Ewald sphere. See Flewitt and Wild Ch. 4.3.2-4.3.6.

Thursday, February 22.: Problem solving: Determine the extinction rules for simple cubic, body centered cubic, face centered cubic and diamond structure. See the handout "Structure factors". Furthermore problems 36.63,36.65 and 36.66 in Young and Freedman.

No lab in the week from 21.02-27.02

Publisert 15. feb. 2007 10:37

Under the heading "Labgroups", information about the lab on "metallography and optical microscopy" is presented. First group starts on Friday, February 16.