
Publisert 31. mai 2010 15:43

There is no lecture on Wednesday. See you all on Friday. Thumbs up! Jan Erik

Publisert 31. mai 2010 13:25

Here are solutions to the last 2 obligs and sett_09 exercise: 10_sett09_sol.pdf, Oblig3_2500_10_sol.pdf, Oblig4_2500_10_sol.pdf.

Publisert 27. mai 2010 12:17

On Monday 31. we go through the 2008 exam. You find it here.

Publisert 26. mai 2010 09:07

This friday we will go through oblig 4.

Publisert 25. mai 2010 18:26

On Wedesday 26. we go through last years exam questions. You find it here.

Publisert 18. mai 2010 10:56

This friday we will do these exercises. I will also repeat some parts of the compendium regarding isobaric coordinates.

Publisert 10. mai 2010 14:44

You find Oblig4 here. Please submit on 19.05.

Publisert 10. mai 2010 09:07

This friday there will be no group exercise. Work with the oblig, and send me an email if you have any questions. Eivind

Publisert 6. mai 2010 17:28

Here are some solutions to previous exercises I didnt post before: 10_sett07_sol, Oblig2_2500_10_sol

Publisert 3. mai 2010 18:10

This friday we will do this exercise.

Publisert 27. apr. 2010 17:08

The Monday lecture will be used to go through Oblig3

Publisert 27. apr. 2010 15:49

Since no one attended the group last friday, we will go through the same exercise this friday.

Publisert 21. apr. 2010 10:08

This friday we will do the following exercise: 10_sett07.pdf

Publisert 14. apr. 2010 11:56

You find Oblig3 here. Please submit on 21.04.

Publisert 13. apr. 2010 12:06

This friday we go through oblig 2. Solutions last exercises here

Publisert 6. apr. 2010 10:56

This friday we will do some more work on waves. Exercise here

Publisert 16. mars 2010 12:08

Solution to the first Obligatory exercise is here. This week there will be no group exercise since you are all busy with the midterms and Oblig 2. If you have any questions regarding the Oblig send me a mail.


Publisert 8. mars 2010 17:48

For those who want to start right away, please find Obligatory Exercise 2 here. Submission on Monday 22. March.

Publisert 4. mars 2010 21:55

Please note a change in the "undervisningsplan". There will be a lecture + handout of Oblig2 on Monday 15. March, with submission om 22. March.

Publisert 4. mars 2010 18:03

Since not everyone got their oblig accepted we will postpone going through it till next week. Instead we will do a more thorough discussion on the viscous force and some repetition this friday.

Publisert 22. feb. 2010 17:11

Solution to last week's exercises here. Next week we will go through oblig 1.

Publisert 17. feb. 2010 10:41

You find Obligatory Exercise No 1 here.

Please complete and submit on the lecture on March 1.

Publisert 15. feb. 2010 16:28

Solutions to previous exercises here. The next exercises we will do are here. We will go through some of these on friday, and the rest will be done monday 22nd at the time of lecture, since there is no lecture this day. There will accordingly be no group on friday 26th.

Publisert 8. feb. 2010 11:27

The solution to last week's exercises are here. We will go through this weeks exercises on monday 15th 0815, same room as usual.

Publisert 5. feb. 2010 10:57

The exercise for next week is this one. Unfortunately there will be no group next friday since I am away, but if you are interested we can go through it the following monday before the lecture (i.e. monday 15th 0815-1000). Also, as always, feel free to send me emails with any questions. P.S. The group exercises today proceed as normal. Eivind