The class Monday 14 Nov. is cancelled because of a MetOs section seminar Mon-Tue.
The second obligatory problem set can be downloaded here.
It is due Wednesday 16 November. That just gives you a little over a week to do it, so I urge you to first try it yourself and then meet (physically or virtually) to collaborate.
Both Marta and I can help answer questions.
A copy of the midterm exam is found here and sample solutions are found here.
You could obtain 6 points for each problem, making up a total of 30 points. Marta and I have both gone through the answers and then agreed on grades. The grading scale used was: A: 85-100% (out of the 30 points), B: 70-85%, C: 55-70%, D: 40-55, E: 25-40%, F: below 25%.
The first set of (voluntary) exercises can be downloaded here. Marta will spend the second hour of next Monday's class going through this.
The CTD data from the six stations that we visited on the cruise (two stations were visited twice) have been collected in this zip-file.
Each file contains a bunch of header lines but then ends up with a set of columns that contain the data. The first three columns give depth, temperature (in situ) and salinity (practical salinity), which are the data we will use.
These data are to be plotted up (as specified in the cruise description) and discussed, particularly with respect to model predictions from MET's models (Marta will bring you this data).
The detailed program including a description of tasks to be done on our field cruise can be found here.
I will also bring out printed versions of this on the cruise.
If you need to discuss Problem set 1 with me I'll be available Thursday morning before about 1030am and then most of the day Friday.
Send me an email or a text message (Tel: 984 93760) to arrange a time. My office is located in the CIENS building on the other side of the T-bane tracks. I can meet you at the front doors.
Some practical information about the field cruise with "F/F Trygve Braarud" on Monday 26/9 can be found here. Meeting time 9 am (sharp!) at the docs in front of city hall.
Forelesningen onsdag 24. august er desverre avlyst.
Det er obligatorisk fremm?te p? f?rste forelesning. Studenter som ikke m?ter, regnes for ? ha trukket seg fra emnet med mindre de p? forh?nd har meldt forfall til Studieadministrasjonen []