
Publisert 30. nov. 2015 13:07

Hi all,

we'll have a last group session on Wednesday the 2nd of December. On Thursday you'll have a review session with Joe.


Publisert 26. nov. 2015 15:06


I updated the recipe. Hope it works better now. If you don't find it useful, try to make one yourself as a prep for the exam.

here is a recipe for baroclinic conditions:

If anything is unclear, please let me know.


Publisert 26. nov. 2015 11:41


I know most of you feel a bit lost in streamfunctions right now, so I have made two recipes for solving the barotropic and baroclinic QGPV equation. Here is the barotropic one:

I'll post the baroclinic one later today-


Publisert 23. nov. 2015 13:36

In 5.3b, there should be constant mean flow, U. This problem concerns topographic waves and Eady waves, which I'll talk about on Wednesday.

Publisert 17. nov. 2015 12:58

Hi all---here's problem set 6:

5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6

from my notes. Let me know in class if anything is unclear and I can explain. Some of the problems cover material we'll get to this week.

Publisert 17. nov. 2015 09:32

On Friday 20 Nov, we'll discuss exercise 4.4 and 4.5 from problem set 5. After, I'll talk about baroclinic conditions and discuss exercise 5.4 and 5.5 (if I have time).


Publisert 13. nov. 2015 15:22

The barotropic QG PV equation  -  why should we care?! Here is an example of a weather model based on the barotopic vorticity equation (not QG tough).Check it out: 


Publisert 5. nov. 2015 13:56

Please find updated versions of the exercises used in the group sessions including solutions (to most of the exercises) here: . 

I did this rather fast, so let me know if you find mistakes :-)


Publisert 31. okt. 2015 16:13

Here are the problems for the 5th obligatory set: 4.1-4.5. Note these are from the new set of notes here on the website (modified 31 Oct. 2015)----so make sure to check the online notes first! These are due at Ada's group session on Friday 13.

Publisert 29. okt. 2015 15:31


I have tried to reorganize the exercises for the group sessions to get the group sessions more in line with Joe's lectures. Feel free to work on any of the problem sets during the group sessions. You can also work on the exercises in the gfd-notes which are not part of the problem sets. I hope to make some solution sets to put online before the end of the semester, but I can't guarantee you that - for now I'll bring my solutions to the group sessions. I also posted some links where you can see some simulations of the phenomena discussed in this course. 

You'll find everything here: 



Publisert 27. okt. 2015 11:11

My friend Luke has a weather blog where he explains atmospheric gfd phenomena in a very nice way. Check it out:


Publisert 26. okt. 2015 14:11

Cand    Grade

403          C

404          A

405          E

406          C+

407          B

408          C

409          D

410          B

421          B

422          A

423          B

424          B

425          D 

426          B

427          C

428          D

429          C

430          D


Publisert 26. okt. 2015 08:38

Hi! For those of you who haven't handed in problem set 4, please hand them in asap. You can either leave the problem set in my office, my post shelf or email it to me. Ada

Publisert 9. okt. 2015 13:13


Here are problems for the group session next Friday:


Publisert 7. okt. 2015 16:23

Here are some problems from the shallow water chapter:

2.2, 2.5, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10

These can be due at Ada's session on 23 October.

Publisert 28. sep. 2015 10:53

On Friday (2nd of Oct)  we'll discuss problem set 3 and work on these exercises:


Publisert 25. sep. 2015 17:12


please hand in problems 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 from the exercises on balanced flow as problem set 3 by Friday 2nd of October. If you want feedback before the midterm you need to hand in the problem set by Wednesday 30th of Sept.


Publisert 24. sep. 2015 11:20

The midterm is on October 6, from kl 10-13, in the store fysiske lesesal in the Fysikkbygningen (Physics building). We'll have a review session during one of the hours on Thursday, October 1. I can any questions you have (or try!) then.


Publisert 23. sep. 2015 10:50

Please find an updated version of the exercises will discuss on Friday:

Problem set 3 will be based on these exercises, so if you come to the group session on Friday (note change of time 9:15-11 am), you'll be well prepared. 


Publisert 21. sep. 2015 17:00


I have to move the group session on Friday (25.09). Let's meet from 9:15-11 am. 


Publisert 18. sep. 2015 16:32


here are exercises on balanced flow. We'll discuss the exercises on Friday 25th of Sept.



Publisert 15. sep. 2015 15:34

will be due this Thursday. That way Ada can take a look at it before the group session on Friday.

Publisert 3. sep. 2015 16:09

Kundu et al, problem 3.1

GFD notes, problems 3.1-3.4

Due on September 18

Publisert 3. sep. 2015 15:05

I'll be away in the middle of next week, so no class on September 9 and 10. We'll meet instead in Glasshallen 2 on Friday (11/9) at 10:15.

The next group session with Ada will be on 18/9. She'll go over problem set 1 then.

Publisert 2. sep. 2015 11:39

By popular demand, we're moving the Thursday class to Glasshallen 2 over here in CIENS on Thursdays. So both days will be here.

For those of you following remotely, we've covered up to Geostrophic balance and Other momentum balances in the outline. Today (2/9), we'll finish the latter and then move on to Hydrostatic balance and Thermal wind.