Exam information for tomorrow (7 December):
Place: Room 6 (CIENS)
10-10:45 Signe
10:45-11:30 Tobias
11:30-12:15 Kjetil
13-13:45 Andrey
13:45:14:30 Peygham
Let me know if you have any conflicts.
Problem set 5 is here. I promised only 2 questions and there are 3---but they are short(!) I'll go over the solutions next Friday.
Rooms for the exam today:
Cirrus, on the fourth floor.
It's across the stairway from the glass room.
Class cancelled for Monday (25/10---I am out sick). We will have some make-up lectures in November.
Here's the mid-term exam schedule for next Wednesday:
11-11:30: Signe
11:30-12: Andrey
1-1:30: Tobias
1:30-2: Peygham
2:15-2:45: Kjetil
Let me know if you have any conflicts.
The midterm (on Wednesday the 27th) will cover up to Rossby wave reflection (sec. 3.4). Let me know if you have any questions.
Lise will have a group session on Monday (11/10) to discuss problem set 2. Then she'll have a lecture (on group velocity and Rossby wave reflection) on Thursday (14/10). No class the following Monday (18/10).
Let's have the mid-terms on Wednesday, October 27th. Let me know if that is a problem for you.
In problem 1, start with equation 63 in the notes and use z-coordinates. (63) follows from Kelvin's theorem, using the Boussinesq approximation.
Problem set 2 is here. Enjoy! If you have any questions, just ask.
In problem 3, you can neglect the Coriolis term in the vertical momentum equation.
Next Monday (Sept. 6) we'll meet from 9:15-11 (room is reserved).