
Published Nov. 24, 2010 5:42 PM

The last lecture (exam preparation) will be on Monday 29.11 in Aud.III, 12.15. LS

Published Nov. 5, 2010 1:59 PM

The oral exams on Monday Nov 8th and Tuesday Nov 9th will be held in room 410 (kitchen), 4th floor, Geology building. KSL

Published Oct. 26, 2010 1:08 PM

From week 45 the lectures will be given Wednesdays and Fridays in aud. III, 10.15-12. KSL

Published Oct. 8, 2010 6:28 PM

The project report on Stroplsj?dalen was introduced last week. All necessary material are available at room 315 until the deadline at Oct. 20th. KSL

Published Oct. 6, 2010 5:42 PM

You'll now find a link to E-pay under "Excursion".

Published Aug. 25, 2010 1:50 PM

Articles and excursion material are now available in Fronter ( in the folder "GEG2130 - Fellesrom 2010-h?st > Undervisning (Tutorial)". KSL

Published Aug. 20, 2010 8:25 PM

This course is full. All students are required to attend the first lecture/meeting in order to keep their place, or give advance notice. This also includes students on the waiting list who want to try for any places which may become free.

Published Aug. 4, 2010 12:41 PM

The excursion in GEG2130 will this year happen in the period 26th August to 1st September. Please make sure to bring warm wind- and waterproof clothing and shoes for Norwegian high mountain conditions. Also bring a sleeping bag. KSL