GEL2130 Exercises The exercises are …
GEL2130 Exercises
The exercises are to be handed in each Monday by 3 pm. Send the exercises to t.e.bjork "at" as word documents or pdf-files. Last week's exercise is to be handed in by the 10th of September. You'll find the questions/tasks on the top of the front page of the two handouts you got last week (Rigid body deformation and Non-rigid body deformation).
When it comes to exercise 1 (comment the script) on the two handouts, select all (CTRL+A), copy and paste it into your Word document or send me the script in addition to your doc/pdf-file. If you use LaTex you can export your MATLAB script to tex-format ("File" + "Publish to LaTex"). For the remainder of the exercises, use figures to illustrate your answers. The figures can be saved by clicking on "File" (in the figure window), then "Export Setup..". Click on "Rendering" and set "Custom renderer:" to "zbuffer" and "Resolution (dpi)" to 200 and click "Apply to figure" and then finally click on "Export.." and save your figure. If you find this routine too tedious, just add these two lines in your scripts "set(0, 'DefaultFigureRenderer', 'zbuffer');" and "print('-djpeg','-r200','figure_name');" like this example shows.
Now the figure is saved as "figure_name.jpg" with resolution 200 dpi in your current directory when the script is executed.
If you have any questions or need any help, drop me a couple of lines in an email or come and see me at PGP (top floor, physics building). My office is 427. This week I'll be at PGP every day, except Tuesday.