
Published Sep. 6, 2007 2:16 PM

For the ones who missed last week's introduction to MATLAB:

See Mathworks' homepage for demos and introduction


Published Sep. 4, 2007 12:32 PM

Lecures today and on thursday have been cancelled, but the teaching assistant will be in the computerlab as usual tomorrow (5.9).

Published Sep. 3, 2007 5:17 PM
Published Aug. 10, 2007 5:42 PM

Hi and welcome to GEL2130

some practical information regarding this course. I (Dani) will teach most of it with occasional lectures given by Torgeir B. Andersen. The teaching assistant for the exercises is Torbj?rn Bj?rk. We will combine classical structural geology with computer exercises using MATLAB where we will develop quantitative tools to analyze geological structures. We will therefore spend approx. half of the exercises in the computer room where we have a reservation on Wednesdays (instead of Thursdays when the non-computer based exercises take place).

We will spend two days in the field and these trips are planned for the 3. & 4. October. Since we will stay in the Oslo area we will return to Oslo in the evening.

Let me know if you would like more info!


Our contact data are:

  • Dani Schmid, schmid "at", 98000120
  • Torgeir B. Andersen, t.b....
Published Aug. 9, 2007 4:11 PM

F?rste forelesning i dette emnet er 21. august. Ved en feil sto det at undervisningen begynte i uke 36, det korrekte skulle v?re uke 34. Kontakt oss hvis du f?r problemer med ? m?te i uke 34 og 35.