MBV3090 – Research Literature in Cancer Biology
Course description
Course content
This course will provide a thorough introduction to the molecular and cellular events involved in tumor formation, progression, and metastasis. This knowledge, obtained through basic research using biochemical, molecular, and genetic analysis, is required for the development of innovative therapy for cancer patients. A special focus of the class will be critical analysis and presentation of the primary scientific literature to foster understanding of the strengths and limitations of various approaches to cancer research. In addition to basic knowledge, clinical implications of cancer research and prospects for curing cancer will be considered.
Learning outcome
After completing this course, you will have the following skills:
- Understand the main principles that are involved in cancer development
- Grasp some of the key biochemical, molecular, cell biological, and genetic events that underlie these principles
- Understand how this information can be translated to applications in the clinic
- Gain skills to critically read the primary scientific literature
- Gain experience in making scientific presentations
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
Formal prerequisite knowledge
In addition to fulfilling the Higher Education Entrance Qualification, applicants have to meet the following special admission requirements:
Mathematics R1 (or Mathematics S1 and S2) + R2
And in addition one of these:
- Physics (1+2)
- Chemistry (1+2)
- Biology (1+2)
- Information technology (1+2)
- Geosciences (1+2)
- Technology and theories of research (1+2)
The special admission requirements may also be covered by equivalent studies from Norwegian upper secondary school or by other equivalent studies (in Norwegian).
Recommended previous knowledge
MBV3020 – Molecular genetics and developmental biology (discontinued) or equivalent. If you do not have the recommended prerequisites, contact the course coordinator.
Overlapping courses
10 credits overlap with BIOS3920 – Research Literature in Cancer Biology
The course includes 16-20 hours lectures; 8 hours guest seminars; 4 hours group paper discussions; 10 hours student presentations.
Access to teaching
A student who has completed compulsory instruction and coursework and has had these approved, is not entitled to repeat that instruction and coursework. A student who has been admitted to a course, but who has not completed compulsory instruction and coursework or had these approved, is entitled to repeat that instruction and coursework, depending on available capacity.
Class participation: 10 %; Project 1: 5 %; Project 2: 10 %; Paper presentation: 25%; Final written exam: 50%.
Examination support material
No examination support material is allowed.
Language of examination
You may submit your response in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. If you would prefer to have the exam text in English, you may apply to the course administrators.
Grading scale
Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.
Explanations and appeals
Resit an examination
This course offers both postponed and resit of examination. Read more:
Withdrawal from an examination
It is possible to take the exam up to 3 times. If you withdraw from the exam after the deadline or during the exam, this will be counted as an examination attempt.
It will also be counted as one of the three attempts to sit the exam for this course, if you sit the exam for one of the following courses: BIOS3920 – Research Literature in Cancer Biology.
Special examination arrangements
Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.
The course is subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students to participate in a more comprehensive evaluation.