MBV4210 – Physical biochemistry
Course description
Course content
The course deals with enzyme kinetics, chemical reaction mechanisms for different classes of cofactors (organic and inorganic) and amino acid residues in enzymes.
Learning outcome
To understand the enzyme structure function relation.
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
PhD students must apply to the course MBV9210 - Fysikalsk biokjemi
The courses MBV4120 and MBV9120 have common admission. Applicants are ranked by the following criteria:
1. PhD students and master students at the MN faculty who have the course as part of the approved curriculum.
2. Other PhD students and visiting PhD students.
3. Students with admission to single courses on master’s level and exchange students
4. Applicants are ranked by credits in each group; all applicants within 1st rank before applicants in 2nd etc. If admission is limited to a fixed number of participants, admis
Recommended previous knowledge
Bachelor degree in biochemistry / molecular biology and/or admission to Master program in molecular bioscience or equivalent background, MBV4010 – Methods in molecular biology and biochemistry I (continued), MBV4020 – Methods in molecular biology and biochemistry II (continued), general an physical chemistry or corresponding knowledge.
Overlapping courses
10 credits overlap with MBV9210 – Fysikalsk biokjemi (discontinued)
The course is given as lectures (20 hours) and colloqia (20 hours)over a period of five weeks.
Final oral exam appr. one weeks after the end of the course.
Examination support material
No examination support material is allowed.
Grading scale
Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.
Explanations and appeals
Resit an examination
This course offers both postponed and resit of examination. Read more:
Withdrawal from an examination
It is possible to take the exam up to 3 times. If you withdraw from the exam after the deadline or during the exam, this will be counted as an examination attempt.
Special examination arrangements
Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.