
Published June 25, 2024 11:40 AM

Hello everyone,

I believe you have received your marks for the exam, and this is the end of the IN3020/4020 journey for almost all of you. I hope you enjoyed the course and learned something new and interesting.

The exam paper (without solutions) is published here; note that the exam was the same for IN3020 and IN4020 this year. The exam paper with solutions, including the marking guides and threshold scheme, is here.



Published May 14, 2024 12:00 PM

Below are links to the relevant previous exams for the course you can use to prepare for this year's exam:

Published May 14, 2024 10:10 AM

Hello everyone,


I hope you now know everything about databases and perfectly prepared to the exam!

We prepared the file of all slides of the lectures, that will be available to you on the exam.

It is available here (for now, on the exam it will be inside Inspera)

Please note that page numbers is very useful thing to work with this file. On the first page, you see the table of contents with page numbers for every set of lectures. Then, you will have an opportunity to use ‘go to page’ functionality in Inspera, so you can enter a page number of the relevant lecture an go straight to the material. Please, try it on your local machine (every reasonable PDF reader has ‘go to page’).

As a side comment, note that page numbers (in the bottom right corner) in this document are correct onl...

Published May 7, 2024 1:56 PM

Monday May 13th (14:15-16:00) is the last lecture this semester. We will use that to prepare for the exam by going through last year's exam and discuss the solution. The exam is available here. The solution is available here (but don't look at it before you have tried to solve all the exercises).

In preparation for this lecture, I advice you all to set aside 4 hours, and solve the exam in a realistic setting. On the actual exam you are not allowed to bring anything, but all the slides used in the course will be made available as a PDF for you in Inspera. So try to solve the exam using only the course's slides.

Note that the exam is made so that nobody should be able to answer all the questions (within the 4 hours), but everyone should be able to s...

Published Apr. 16, 2024 12:30 PM

The third mandatory assignment is now published, and has a deadline set to April 30. (23:59). The mandatory covers the second part, i.e. transactions and transaction management (including concurrency and recovery protocols).

Good luck :)

-- Leif Harald

Published Apr. 10, 2024 9:40 AM

Hi all!

The third (and final) mandatory assignment will be published 16. April with deadline for first attempt set to 30. April.

I have also published the screencasts for this week's lectures on the schedule. Unfortunately, the mic did not work (due to dead batteries) for the first part of Tuesday's lecture. The second part is fine, though.

If you have any questions regarding any of the curriculum so far, please feel free to use the course's Discourse :)

-- Leif Harald

Published Mar. 6, 2024 1:49 PM


We are now done with the lectures on the first part of the course. The second mandatory, covering its second half, is now published. The deadline for submission in Devilry is 25 March (midnight); this will allow you to cover this material in group sessions and have some time after this to do the exercises themselves. The exercise sheet is available now (see on the left). Note that this mandatory is more difficult, so may need to allow more time to solve it.


Published Feb. 1, 2024 3:19 PM


We are finally done with the intro/backup and have started with the first essential part of our course this week: Relational Algebra. We will spend 2 weeks of lectures on this, and this will be the topic of the first mandatory exercise. The deadline for submission in Devilry is 19 Feb (midnight); this will allow you to cover this material in group sessions and have some time after this to do the exercises themselves. The exercise sheet is available now (see on the left).

Note that we will have further mandatories more frequently.


Published Jan. 18, 2024 2:26 PM


The Discourse page (a tool for asking questions) of the course is now working. All the questions related to databases are welcome!

Please note that the link is different from the one I mentioned in the first lecture; the slides published on the Web page are now updated.




Published Jan. 9, 2024 11:03 AM

Hello IN3020/4020-takers!


Welcome everyone who wants to know how database engines work inside. We will launch on Monday next week, 15 January, at 14:15 in OJD, Aud Smalltalk.

We will normally have two lectures, Monday and Tuesday, and one group session each week (the first week is an exception: no group sessions). Do not forget to sign up to group sessions!

Your main entry point for the course will be this page, as well as the Schedule sub-page, where we will publish the materials related to each particular lecture/group session (we will also use other communication tools, which I will introduce in the first lecture).

If you want to familiarise yourself with the course materials before we start, feel free to look at the 2023 version (in particular, the ...