
Published Mar. 5, 2025 12:34 PM

Hello everyone,

First: please make sure that you read the message below about the second mandatory. 

Second: I sent the following email to the group of students registered for Group 1 (Wednesday) sessions. However, I have heard few complaints that not everyone received it. I do not understand why and how this can happen, but I copy this email below:

"Dear group 1 of IN3020/4020,

We nearly cancelled the Wednesday session when Roxana was not available, but now we have an opportunity to reconsider this decision. However, the demand for both groups is still low, and it does not make sense to do these sessions for just one or two students. We will keep Tuesday session anyway, because it is more popular, and you are always welcome to come there. On the other hand, I would like everyone who needs Wednesday sessions to send me a confirmation as a response to this email by Thursday next week. (Here, by ‘needs’ I m...

Published Mar. 5, 2025 11:48 AM



We are now nearly done with the lectures on the first part of the course. The second mandatory, covering its second half, is now published. The deadline for submission in Devilry is 19 March (midnight); this will allow you to cover this material in group sessions and have some time after this to do the exercises themselves. The exercise sheet is available now (see on the left). Note that this mandatory is more difficult, so may need to allow more time to solve it.



Published Feb. 12, 2025 9:07 AM

Hi everyone,

I am sorry for the short notice but I need to cancel today's group session.

If you have any questions, please send them at, and if needed we can also schedule a short call. I want you to still get the support you could have gotten today.

- Roxana

Published Feb. 10, 2025 9:39 AM

Hello everyone,

The first mandatory exercise sheet is now published and available at here. The deadline for submitting your solution is in 2 weeks, Monday, 24 February at 23:59. We will use Devilry for submissions. It is not yet available for your submissions, but will be such in a couple of days.


PS: the problems are different from last year

Published Jan. 15, 2025 10:31 AM

Hello IN3020/4020-takers!

Welcome everyone who wants to know how database engines work inside. We will launch on Monday next week, 20 January, at 10:15 in Kristen Nygaards hus (not the main IFI building!), Lille Auditorium.

We will normally have two lectures, Monday and Tuesday, and one group session each week (the first week is an exception: no group sessions). Do not forget to sign up to group sessions!

Your main entry point for the course will be this page, as well as the Schedule sub-page, where we will publish the materials related to each particular lecture/group session (we will also use other communication tools, which I will introduce in the first lecture).

If you want to familiarise yourself with the course materials before we start, feel free to look at the 2024 version (in particular, the ...