
Published June 27, 2019 9:25 PM

The grades for the final exam in IN3030 have now been sent to the administration:   NO ONE HAS FAILED!

The exam turned out to be on the tough side ranging from the question on cyclic barriers where most got full points to the insertionSort questions where the distribution below was representative.

IF you have gotten a grade that you feel is unfair, send me mail and we can talk about it before you decide whether or not to complain. REMEMBER by filing a complaint your answers will be judged by a "klagekommisjon" that is independent of the grades that I and the external censor have given, so you might get a better...

Published June 6, 2019 3:32 PM

The exam is tomorrow, Friday.

I will come and go a round in the exam room, so that you can ask questions, should there be anything that you are in doubt about. Please remember, that my answer can be: you need to figure it out yourself.

Remember to read the questions carefully before you answer them. If you are asked to program a parallel version of a sequential algorithm, please remember that you should be faithful to the original algorithm, for example, in last year's exam, there was a question on how to parallelize bubble sort. Some did some parallel bubble sort and then used merge sort on the result. However, that means that the parallel algorithm, while solving the problem of sorting, was not faithful to the original algorithm - because it included a different sorting algorithm.


Good luck!


Published May 30, 2019 10:00 AM

Title: IN3030 final lecture v19
Duration: {f:Duration[5798066,000]}

Also downloadable here: N3030 final lecture v19


MP4 with Smart Player (480p)78,7 MBView...
MP4 with Smart Player (720p)108 MBView...
MP4 with Smart Player (1080p)165 MB...
Published May 30, 2019 9:52 AM

All Lecture Material will be available in Inspera at the exam as one big PDF file. The material includes slides, blackboard pictures, and several articles. Note that the RECORDINGS of the lectures are not included.

The big file, All-Lecture-Materials-IN3030v19, is merely a concatenation of all the material in the "Lecture Material" for each week.

You can already now access the file - I recommend that you use it in your exam preparation, e.g., you can make notes that refer to the PDF page number in the file: one example is that Hoare's 1974 article about monitors starts on page 312. Most of the file is searchable.

If you feel that something is missing from the file, make sur...

Published May 24, 2019 12:11 PM

Eric just confirmed that all the lecture slides will be uploaded to the exam in Inspera, so that you can access them on the computer during the exam.


No need to print all the slides, but I do recommend that you print and bring your own oblig solutions.



Published May 23, 2019 9:27 PM

Last lecture is Friday May 24th, 2019 - I will talk about synchronization and about the written exam.

NOTE: Last chance to withdraw from the exam is tomorrow Friday.

See you tomorrow :)



Published May 20, 2019 4:16 PM

The group sessions this week are the last of the planned sessions. We will be going through old exams, and discussing topics of interest.


We hope to see you all one final time, but if not good luck with the exam!


Maria & Magnus

Published May 15, 2019 1:31 PM

Check the folder on the right side (or in the mobile menu) called Former Exams.


We will work through some of these in the remaining group sessions.



Published May 3, 2019 4:59 PM

Oblig5 Devilry opened.


Published Apr. 26, 2019 11:32 PM

Title: IN3030 uke14v19
Duration: {f:Duration[4412666,000]}

MP4 with Smart Player (480p)64,2 MBView...
MP4 with Smart Player (720p)88,4 MBView...
MP4 with Smart Player (1080p)133 MBView...
MP3 (Audio Only)45,0 MB...
Published Apr. 26, 2019 7:23 PM

Oblig 5 text and Oblig 5 report recommendations published.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to spend time on a proper report. Remember that you will NOT be given a second attempt on Oblig 5, so whatever you submit is the FINAL version.

Note that you can submit as often as you like until the deadline of 23:59:00 (NOT 23:59:59).

Have fun!



Published Apr. 26, 2019 6:04 PM



I just uploaded the precode for Oblig 5. Notice that the TegnUt class has some expectations of the Oblig5 object you create yourself.


It's at


Eric will publish the oblig text this evening.


- Magnus

Published Apr. 12, 2019 1:56 PM

Here, 10 hours before the Oblig 4 deadline, I would like to emphasize what we are expecting from you: Many focus on writing the required program; some, however, neglect writing a proper report. Please pay close attention to writing a good report.

It is NOT sufficient to have an excellent program that produces great results, YOU must also DOCUMENT what you have done - otherwise we cannot see or believe it!

This is ESPECIALLY true, if you are struggling with the program - and hope for a second attempt at passing the oblig. We have had cases where a second attempt was NOT granted because, albeit the student put a large effort into the oblig he/she did not DOCUMENT their effort. HAD the work done been documented, well, then they probably would have been granted a second attempt. So do not forget to spend some time on the report - even if what you are reporting is merely a half-done effort - the report can still be good :)

Good luck on the final stretch of Oblig...

Published Apr. 10, 2019 9:53 AM

Just to remind you of the rules - especially those concerning late delivery caused by illness:

Innen fristen skal studenten levere et selvstendig arbeid i henhold til Ifis generelle regler for innleveringer. Studentene forutsettes ? sette seg inn i disse reglene. Ved innlevering skal studenten raskt f? en skriftlig bekreftelse p? at besvarelsen er mottatt, for eksempel kvittering fra innleveringsprogram eller melding per e-post.Besvarelser levert etter fristen blir ikke godkjent med mindre gyldig grunn foreligger (se nedenfor).

Sykdom og utsatt innlevering

Studenter gis inntil tre kalenderdager utsettelse ved sykdom eller uforutsett...

Published Apr. 8, 2019 5:18 PM

Title: IN3030 uke12 v19
Duration: {f:Duration[4816000,000]}

MP4 with Smart Player (480p)62,9 MBView...
MP4 with Smart Player (720p)84,6 MBView...
MP4 with Smart Player (1080p)126 MB...
Published Apr. 8, 2019 1:27 PM

Be aware that we will not give 3rd attempts on obligs this year so if you get a 2nd attempt, you should give it your best. 


The TAs

Published Apr. 5, 2019 3:19 PM

Oblig 4 Radix sorting deadline April 12th, 2019.

There is NO LECTURE on April 12th, 2019.

The final oblig is Oblig 5, which will be presented at the next lecture, April 26th, 2019.

Oblig 5 deadline May 10th, 2019.


Published Apr. 4, 2019 10:02 PM

I'm not feeling well tonight, so I'm canceling my group session tomorrow morning (Friday). I encourage you all to attend the lecture at 12:15, as there will be a lot of useful information for the assignment covered there!



Published Apr. 3, 2019 2:04 PM

I have put the following in the Oblig folder:


Published Apr. 3, 2019 1:13 PM
Published Apr. 2, 2019 4:03 PM

Oblig4 has been published in a version without reference to appendices. The report recommendations likewise.

The precode and a sample main program are here.

This include the random number generator that you must use.


Published Mar. 31, 2019 10:41 AM

Title: IN3030 lecture Radix oblig
Duration: {f:Duration[1331800,000]}

MP4 with Smart Player (480p)25,8 MBView...
MP4 with Smart Player (720p)38,9 MBView......
Published Mar. 27, 2019 12:44 AM

Lecture on Friday March 29th, 2019 - change of start time: now 14:00.

Due to an important meeting, I will be starting the lecture on Friday March 29th, 2019 at 14:00 and it will last one hour that is until 15:00

The main thrust is a review of Radix sorting - and presentation of Oblig 4.

-- Eric

Published Mar. 22, 2019 7:41 PM

Here is the recording of the lecture today.

Note that I used the computer screen instead of the whiteboard, see picture1 and picture2.

In this way, my drawing actions are included in the recording.

You can also stream using the links below:

Title: IN3030 uk10 full lecture v19
Duration: {f:Duration[4123600,000]}...

Published Mar. 18, 2019 7:37 PM

Everyone should have gotten their feedback on Oblig 2 at this stage.

During the correcting, and some questions both private and on Piazza, we see the need to clarify the use of livecode and precode.

In the course Github ( there are several folders:

Livecode (folders marahan and magnuesp) is meant as inspiration for your own code. Use this as you see fit. Just remember to refer to where you got the ideas from.

Precode (folder precode) is a mandatory part of the assignments. This code should not be modified! Just place the file together with your own files, and call the functions as shown in either the source comments or the example files.


- Magnus