
Publisert 8. des. 2020 09:20

We are still waiting to get access to your exam papers.

In the meanwhile, the exam questions are here, and model answers with grading guidelines are here.

We have not set the thresholds for grades yet, those will be updated later.


Publisert 24. nov. 2020 08:19

Last year’s exam questions are here.  And the solutions and grading guidelines are here.

Note that some questions refer to the ?free variable sequent calculus? that we didn’t cover this year.

Exams were oral in many of the previous years, and the content of the lecture was quite different, so it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to practice using those exams.

Publisert 23. nov. 2020 17:31

will be digital. We will be going through last year's exam, and I'll do my best to answer any last-minute questions you have. 


Join the meeting at

Publisert 21. nov. 2020 16:44

A Q&A session over Zoom during the exam will probably disturb many students more it helps.  So if you have questions, please send a mail to Martin Giese (mail address is on the exam front page).

Questions and answers relevant to all students will be published here

Publisert 19. nov. 2020 08:41

Here is the connection info for the lecture today:

Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 627 6540 4803
Passcode: 475754

We will record this if everybody attending agrees.

Publisert 9. nov. 2020 11:14

In accordance with the current infection prevention regulations, this week’s lecture will be digital.  I will pre-record the lectures.

The group session on Tuesday is still going to be physical.

Next week, 19 November, 10–12, there will be a repetition lecture.  This will be held on "Zoom" but live.  Please send me questions and topics to repeat before the lecture, so I can prepare.

Publisert 29. okt. 2020 14:06

The previous user of the lecture room forgot to put the microphone on the charger.  So unfortunately, the sound is missing on the first 45 minutes of the recording :-(

But here is the solution:

  • The slides for the first 45 minutes are almost identical to last year’s ones, so please look at Last year’s recording for the start of the lecture.
  • The second part (from Satisfiability & Validity) is different from last year, but has sound.  It has some extra material, and the bit about description logics was moved to next week.

Sorry about that – the microphone worked in the beginning, and there is no way of noticing while lecturing when it stops working.

Publisert 29. okt. 2020 09:56

In case you were wondering: UiO has centrally decided that there is no significant risk of infection while attending lectures at UiO.  Lectures will therefore continue physically as before, and will of course still be recorded.

Publisert 26. okt. 2020 12:12

The second mandatory exercise is published with deadline 10th of November, 23:59. The exercise sheet can be found by clicking the exercises link in the left panel and downloading oblig2.pdf, or following the link above.

You should be able to start on O2.1 immediately.

O2.2 is only for the master level students. The exercise refers to a translation between Description Logic and First-order logic, that will be presented in the lecture on 5 November.  You probably want to wait until next week for that exercise.

Use devilry to submit your answer.  If you cannot see oblig2 in devilry, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can register your properly.

Publisert 20. okt. 2020 08:35

is unfortunately canceled due to a cold. 

Publisert 15. okt. 2020 08:02

Your professor has some symptoms of a cold.  Just to be on the safe side, I’ll record tomorrows lecture instead of giving it physically?

Publisert 1. okt. 2020 14:50

The first mandatory exercise is published with deadline 15th of October. The exercise sheet can be found by clicking the exercises link in the left panel and downloading oblig1.pdf, or following the link above.

Note that the relevant material for exercise O1.1 b) with regards to the second formula (F2) will be in the lecture next week (first-order resolution calculus). You should be able to solve all of the other exercises with the material gone through in previous lectures, but you might want to wait with F2 in O1.1 b) until after the next lecture.

Use devilry to submit your answer.  If you cannot see oblig1 in devilry, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can register your properly.

Publisert 22. sep. 2020 10:52

Since almost no students attend the Thursday group sessions any more, we will now have group sessions on Tuesdays, 10:15–12:00, in Postscript (2458)

There are also few students attending the Thursday lectures physically.  It makes no sense to block Store Aud for so few students, so from now, on we will have lectures on Thursdays, 10:15–12:00 in Caml (3438)

The time table page will be updated accordingly.

Publisert 9. sep. 2020 14:17

Your professor has some symptoms of a cold.  Just to be on the safe side, I’ll record tomorrows lecture instead of giving it physically?

Publisert 20. aug. 2020 17:08
  • It was nice to see many of you at the first lecture.  About 20 students were present of the ~60 who were admitted.  I know several students will watch the lecture recording which is fine.
    However, more students signed up to the course than could be admitted.  So if you decide you would not want to follow the course, please opt out in studentweb. That way, some of the students on the waiting list can join the course.
  • To get an idea of how many students will join the group sessions on Tuesdays (10–12) and Thursdays (12–14), please register your preference here.