
Published May 6, 2024 10:28 AM

Dear all,

As per usual, it will be possible to receive oral feedback on assignment 4:

Format: Feedback will be given orally as short meetings (10 min per student).

Time and place: The meetings will take place Thursday, May 16th, 14:00-16:00. All meetings will be in-person (no virtual meetings) at Troels' office (Nemko building, 2nd floor).

How to request a meeting: To receive feedback you must book a meeting. You do this by sending an email to no later than Friday, May 10th. 

Kind regards, 
Troels M?nsted

Published May 6, 2024 10:25 AM

Dear all

As the coming Thursday is a public holiday there will not be a seminar in IN4380 that day. Instead, the seminar related to lecture 13 will be held on May 16th 10.15-12.00. 

To compensate for the long period between the lecture and the seminar, the seminar will begin with a short summary of the lecture. 

Kind regards,

Troels M?nsted

Published Apr. 24, 2024 8:05 PM

Dear all

It appears that the technical issues that prevented me from sharing the slides from lecture 12 continues. Until I find a solution, I hope that I can at least make the slides available here: Slides: Lecture 12 - Designing and executing digital health services


Kind regards, 

Troels M?nsted

Published Apr. 24, 2024 8:02 PM


1. Read the following challenge: and discuss how you would approach design and implementation of a service for tracking of either people or material at hospital unit? How would you research the needs and develop and validate the concept?

2. What is your role as a change agent ...

Published Apr. 9, 2024 9:14 AM

Dear all,

On Thursday, Troels and I are running an experiment during class (the group session).

You will be given an assignment that will help you learn about AI in Norwegian healthcare.

We want as many of you to participate as possible. As an encouragement, those of you who participate may hand in your response as a substitute for the mandatory assignment.

If you have already written the mandatory assignment, you will have the opportunity to get feedback (as already announced), but you are of course more than welcome to participate anyway on Thursday. In fact, we hope you will.

Both the mandatory assignment and the experiment stimulate learning about the course content. In other words, it is all for your benefit.

Best, Sune

Published Apr. 8, 2024 11:25 AM

Dear all,

Please remember to hand in mandatory assignment #3 by Wednesday 17th 23:59.

The assignment is found in the slide deck for seminar #7.

Those of you who are interested in individual feedback may request a 10-minute meeting on Friday the 19th from 14 to 16 o'clock.

Best, Sune

Published Mar. 21, 2024 9:41 AM

Dear all,

Today, you will spend the first 20 minutes discussing key takeaways from the lecture and literature on mHealth. Next, I invite you to discuss two self-selected mHealth cases (see link in the PowerPoint slide deck) using the WHO framework (challenges, interventions, technology). The question is how the projects or technologies in question help address one or more underlying healthcare challenges. As you discuss this, please consider what some of the obstacles to implementation might be.

Be prepared to present your "findings" in plenum very briefly.

I will join you at 11.30 to facilitate the discussion. Please start your individual group discussions without me.

See you at 11.30.

Best, Sune

Published Mar. 15, 2024 7:34 PM

Dear all,

The grading of assignment 2 will be ready within a few days. In the meantime, here is information on the possibility of receiving feedback on your response:

Format: Feedback will be given orally as short meetings (10 min per student).

Time and place: The meetings will take place Friday, March 22nd, 13:00-16:00. All meetings will be in-person (no virtual meetings) at Troels' office (Nemko building, 2nd floor).

How to request a meeting: To receive feedback you must book a meeting. You do this by sending an email to no later than Monday, March 18th. 

This offer to receive feedback is entirely voluntary and if you cannot participate, don't worry as I will give collective feedback on the first lecture in module 4 (as well as you are of course welcome to ask questions during the brakes).

Kind regards, 

Published Mar. 7, 2024 8:45 PM

Dear all

Ottar Wiklund from Helseetaten, who visited the course earlier in the semester have forwarded the following information about the opportunity to apply for a summer job in their organization. To me it seems to be an excellent opportunity so I can strongly encourage you to consider this. 

--- Message from Ottar ---

Oslo kommune, Helseetaten har to stillinger som 'sommerstudenter' i fagsystemavdelingen, i teamet som jobber med tynnkode (aka Low Code) . Dette teamet utvikler og forvalter et 20-talls l?sninger, deriblant ELISE (verkt?y i hjemmesykepleie og i sykehjemsetaten), Oslo hjelpemiddelregister, st?ttesystemer til Oslo Legevakt mm. Vi har tenkt at de som er sommerstudenter hos oss f?r lov til ? v?re med p? behovsinnhenting og noe videreutvikling av l?sninger, samt h?ndtere brukerst?tte (ca 40%). Vi tror en slik jobb kan gi et godt innblikk i hvordan Helseetaten jobber, og hvordan vi benytter tynnkode og tverrfaglig utvikling f...

Published Mar. 5, 2024 3:45 PM

Dear all,

You have now received a passed or failed grade on your 1st assignment.

Thursday the 7th, there is the possibility of getting 5 min. of feedback from 17-19.

The feedback is in-person (no virtual meetings) at the Nemko building. My office is on the 2nd floor.

This is optional and don't worry if you cannot participate. I will give a bit of collective feedback at the lecture next week.

If you want feedback, please write me an e-mail no later than tomorrow. I will assign you a time slot.

Best, Sune

Published Mar. 3, 2024 2:48 PM

Dear all

As promised, here is the compiled list of literature that you found during the seminar last Thursday. First of all - great work! You really managed to find an impressive amount of interesting resources and there is a lot of inspiration to gain from this list. 

Please be aware that this is a uncurated list of references. I have simply compiled the reference you send me so you should treat it as an inspiration catalogue. As always it is important that you assess the references both for relevance and quality, if you decide to use it in your response to assignment 2. 


Research articles


Published Feb. 28, 2024 9:30 PM

Dear all

Here is the instructions for the mandatory assignment #2. As described on todays lecture, this is a bit more complicated than the previous assignment. The purpose of this is to prepare you well for the exam, so this assignment should mostly be seen as a way to try out this style of assignment. You will get time on both seminar 5 and 6 to work on this, so there should be plenty of opportunity to share and discuss:

In 2023, the Finish healthcare system completed a major reform through which 21 “Wellbeing Service Counties” were established, each responsible for the delivery of both primary and secondary healthcare services (more information: ...

Published Feb. 20, 2024 10:03 AM

Dear all,

As promised, I will record the lecture tomorrow since many of you will be on winter vacation.

I cannot guarantee the audio quality and you will have to accept it "as is".

This is a one-time, extra service. We will not record future lectures.

Best, Sune

Published Feb. 9, 2024 10:00 AM

Dear all,

I have received questions regarding assignment #1, so please allow me to share the following.

LMC means “Low- and Middle-income Countries”.

Also, question 1 talks about “the most important factor”. Whether you want to focus on one or a couple of factors is up to you.

Apologies for the confusion.

Best, Sune

Published Feb. 6, 2024 2:09 PM

Dear all,

This week, the lecture and the group discussions will follow the same format as last week.

See you Wednesday.

Best, Sune

Published Jan. 30, 2024 6:46 AM

Dear all,

As mentioned last week, the next lecture will be held online but with in-person attendance. You should, therefore, show up to class like usual. Troels will set up the video link in class. The link will not be shared outside the classroom.

See you tomorrow.

Best, Sune

Published Jan. 16, 2024 11:46 AM

Dear all

The start of IN4380 is getting close. We are first of all looking very much forward to welcoming you to the course. 

The course is organized as a series of lectures followed by seminars where we will discuss the core content. A detailed schedule is available on the course page. Here you will also find access to the required readings and course material so you can prepare for each lecture.

The first introductory lecture takes place on Wednesday, January 24th from 12.15-14.00. Here, we will give you an overview of the course and introduce you to the formal requirements.

To prepare for the lecture, please read the following reference (with a particular focus on figure 2): Page 1-18 of Kickbusch, I., Piselli, D., Agrawal, A., Balicer, R., Banner, O., Adelhardt, M., ... & Wong, B. L. H. (2021). The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on governing health futures 2030: growing up in ...