
Published June 3, 2021 6:54 PM

We just wanted to notify you all that we have uploaded a new schedule for handing out grades, which can be found in the exam schedule :)

- R&J

Published May 7, 2021 1:25 PM

As some of you have noticed, the day of the deadline for assignment 5 is a holiday. The deadline is therefore moved to Friday the 14th at 12:00 (mid-day).

- Johanne & Rebekka

Published Apr. 21, 2021 4:27 PM

Hi everyone,

We have had a few requests regarding postponements on Assignment 4. As with all mandatory assignments at the department you can have a three-day postponement without a doctor’s note (or similar). However, we wanted to let you know that we will be writing feedback to the students who deliver on the original deadline first, and then follow in the order that you hand in your assignments. Hence, the later you hand in your assignment, the later you will get your feedback.

--Rebekka & Johanne

Published Apr. 16, 2021 3:54 PM

Regarding the lecture on Monday (April 19th)

Unfortunately, we have to postpone Astrid’s lecture on phenomenology. Hence, there will be no lecture on Monday. However, as the deadline for Assignment 4 is so close, we will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

We are always available on e-mail or Teams. On Monday, we will be available in the Zoom ‘lecture room’ from 10:15 in case you want to ask us questions there. If no one shows up, we will leave around 10:30.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Rebekka & Johanne

Published Mar. 26, 2021 10:51 AM

For next week’s lecture, we will watch a movie.  It is not mandatory to watch it, but it is quite short and very sweet. It illustrates a lot of the topics discussed in this course over the last couple of weeks. After the movie, the students have usually discussed some questions. You can read more about the movie here.

Normally, we would have a screening with the DVD in our classroom, but since this option is unavailable to us we have decided it will be best that we host a “watch party”, but stream it on our own devices. If you want to participate in watching the movie “together” (either with your camera on or off) you are welcome to join. 

We will start the official IN5000 watch party at 10:15 on the Zoom Lecture link, as will the discussion. The movie lasts for 1 ? hours. So for those who would like to watch the movie in your own time (for instance tonight or during the weekend),...

Published Mar. 23, 2021 4:13 PM

We have been asked a question regarding Assignments 4 and 5 for students collaborating on their Master’s thesis.

As both the assignments and the oral exam are individual, we expect all students to submit an independent piece of work even if they collaborate with someone else on the Master's thesis and...

Published Mar. 19, 2021 3:08 PM

The final mandatory seminar on Monday 22/3 will start at 12:30. As usual, we have some feedback to all of you, before you discuss with your peers in groups.

This time, we will try to let you choose your Zoom groups yourselves. Each group will consist of three students, so you can arrange to join the same group as two fellow students. If you do not have any preferences, you can just wait for us to assign you to a group :)

Rebekka & Johanne

Published Mar. 11, 2021 11:12 AM

The exam will take place in the first week of June (May 31st - June 3rd). We will send out a registration form soon so that you can request the day or days that suit you best.

Rebekka & Johanne

Published Mar. 5, 2021 5:17 PM

We have had a few questions and comments about the course (the curriculum, the exam, the assignments, etc) that we would like to address in the seminar on Monday (12:15 until we are done). If you have any comments or questions, or find anything unclear, please send us an e-mail or fill in this form: :)

Rebekka & Johanne

Published Mar. 5, 2021 4:19 PM

We have had some questions about the next assignment. Most of you were not able to do any observations related to your master’s (or PhD) topic and find some of the questions unclear how to answer. The main point of this assignment is to take a step back and reflect on what you have learned about qualitative research methods, about being a reflexive researcher, and to practice using the curriculum you have read thus far to discuss your experience and reflections. The questions in the assignment are meant to encourage you and help you get started.

Therefore, you may use this assignment as an opportunity to reflect on how you can use qualitative research in your project, or to take a step back and write more generally about what you have learned so far. Practicing discussing your experiences and understanding of qualitative research methods with the curriculum is very useful as exam preparation.

It is the first time we try out this assignment, so ple...

Published Mar. 1, 2021 9:48 AM

We start today's seminar at 12:45. We will give you some general feedback before you discuss your assignments in groups.


Rebekka & Johanne

Published Feb. 8, 2021 10:17 AM

We have decided to start the seminar at 12:45 today to ensure that everyone gets enough time to present and discuss their assignment. Please note that the seminar is mandatory.

Edit: We have a plan for the lecture. You don't have to prepare anything, other than being ready to talk about your assignments :-)

- Rebekka & Johanne

Published Feb. 2, 2021 10:03 AM

We have received a few questions regarding preferred language on the mandatory assignments. As both of us speak Norwegian natively, you may write your assignments in Norwegian. You can also do the exam in Norwegian. However, as some of this year’s students do not speak Norwegian, all teaching is in English and you may need to speak English when discussing your assignments in the breakout rooms.

Published Jan. 22, 2021 9:59 AM

On February 1st we will organize the first group discussion after the lecture. Due to the current restrictions, this class will be one, fully digital group seminar from 13:15 - 14:00 on Zoom (meaning you will not need to fill out the Nettskjema). The link is available on the course website (see the “Zoom links” section) and the passcode can be found in the information pdf-slides (see the “Resources” section).

In the seminar, you will have some time to plan and discuss the first mandatory assignment in addition to a discussion on the topics from the lectures thus far.


Rebekka & Johanne

Published Jan. 19, 2021 10:20 AM

Hi everyone,

We have had a few questions from worried students about admission to the course and apparently we need to clarify a few things: if you are a) a Master’s student at the Design programme with the course approved in your study plan, b) a PROSA student writing for the Information Systems group with the course approved in your study plan, or c) a PhD student with the course as mandatory, you should get admission to the course. Others, however, such as single course students or bachelor students are not guaranteed a spot in the course and due to capacity will not be admitted this year.

Contact us or the student administration if you think you should have been admitted!

-- Rebekka & Johanne


Published Jan. 12, 2021 2:30 PM

Welcome to the first lecture on Monday 18th. It will only be a one-hour lecture (from 10:15 to approximately 11:00) addressing the practical concerns for this semester. 

It is important to note that attendance is mandatory, meaning that if you do not meet you will lose your spot. You will need to write your name, study program, and whether you are a master’s or PhD student in the Zoom-chat. 

While this lecture will be digital-only, we hope to meet up in Store Aud from the 25th of January. 


Please see the course schedule for the Zoom-link on Monday. :)

See you there!

Published Jan. 4, 2021 2:42 PM

Hello, and a happy new year to all students!

Unfortunately, due to the prolonged restrictions and further recommendations from the government of staying as much home as possible, we don't fully know the details of how this semester will be. For now, all we know is that we had planned for January 18th to be the first day of lectures. If we are lucky, restrictions start loosening around this time but there is obviously no way of knowing this for sure. As we have all experienced, new recommendations can appear at any time.

Hopefully, as many of you as possible will be able to show up and meet us at Store Aud (KNH) when the semester starts. For those of you who cannot meet, we will be working toward creating a hybrid solution so you all have the opportunity to stay safe as well as receiving the best education we can give you.

We'll publish new messages and keep you updated as soo...

Published Dec. 21, 2020 2:08 PM

Det er lagt til 2 timer gruppeundervisning i emnet, se timeplanen for detaljer.