If you have any questions regarding the feedback for your assignments or questions about the exam, please send us an email and we will try to answer you.
Good luck with the preparations!
Henrik & Siv
Hi all,
The exam is approaching! Read the below information, with some more information on how we'll grade based on the group's performance.
Also, check the times proposed, and get in touch with us if those times are a bad fit with your other course (we can then easily move those with Wednesday times - the Friday times are set).
Hi all,
This is just to inform you that Fredrik Matheson (Head of Design at Aneo, Runs IxDA Oslo) will give a guest lecture at this Friday's concluding lecture. I encourage you all to come for a great talk on design, it's possibility and limits, and what you'll face once your studies are done!
After that, we'll wrap up the entire course. See you there!
Also: have a look at this event tomorrow, where potential student assignments related to sustainability are presented: (I'm not connected to this in any way).
The research group Technology and Sustainable Futures (Department of Informatics) would like to invite you to a workshop on the use of science fiction as a method for imagining near-future scenarios. This is part of a project called “Environments, Communities, and Energies 2050: Creative methods for a just and sustainable twin transition”, and our goal is both to start developing relevant future imaginaries and to meet others willing to work with us on this and future projects. We welcome interdisciplinary thinking and critical perspectives related to technology, sustainability and social transformation.
Time and place: –&nb...
Sustainability Lab og Gr?nt Kontor arrangerer Sustainathon 5. september! Vi inviterer studenter og ansatte til ? idémyldre og tenke nytt om hvordan Blindern kan bli et gr?nnere campus. I fjor idemyldret studenter om b?rekraftige l?sninger for et gr?nt bibliotek og mindre matsvinn i kantinene. I ?r har vi to nye b?rekraftsutfordringer deltakere kan bryne seg p?: Hvordan HF-plenen og IFI-terrassen kan bli mer biodiverse og samtidig trivelige steder ? oppholde seg. Deltakere vil f? gratis lunsj og har muligheten til ? vinne et Universal Presentkort. Dette er en unik mulighet til ? v?re med p? ? gj?re faktiske endringer p? campus og vi h?per ? se mange av dere der! Mer informasjon finner dere her: /om/klima-miljo/gront-kontor/arrangementer/sustainathon---hageutgaven.html
Hei and welcome to the course Design for Sustainability starting Friday September 6th. You can find literature and link to the book from the schedule on the course page.
We would also like to inform you about a Sustainathon event taking place the day before course start, hosted by our research group and the Green Office. More info and link to sign up here: /english/about/climate-environment/green-office/events/sustainathon-gardenedition.html
We look forward to see you,
Siv & Henrik