
Publisert 4. jan. 2022 23:15

You can find solution hints to the exam here. Grading is done and should become available to you soon. Thank you for following the course!

Publisert 8. des. 2021 09:12

Topic: IN 5520/9520 Exam
Time: Dec 10, 2021 10:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 651 9198 1436
Passcode: 200836

During the exam, there will be a Zoom session for questions starting at 10.00 and 12.00. Look through the exercise set before this to identify all your questions. When you join the Zoom seesion, you will be placed in a waiting room and admitted to the meeting room with course teachers when there are no other students in the meeting room. In the meeting room, you should ask questions orally. The Zoom sessions will be ended when there are no more students in the waiting room and at least 15 minutes has passed since the Zoom session started.

Publisert 4. des. 2021 10:57

The exam will be able as a PDF-file in Inspera, and you will submit a single PDF in Inspera.

The front page of the exam has the following text, please read to know more about it: Front page


Link to the zoom-sessions during the exam will be posted here and email to you a couple of days before the exam.


Each lecture defines a topic, and learning goals are listed for each lecture. Doing previous exam exercises is a good preparation. From 2016, all exam exercises are relevant except 2020-watershed, 2018-exercise 2 (histogram of gradients), 2016-4ij (Fisher's linear discriminant).

If you have  any questions before the exam, please email Anne and Andreas.

Publisert 3. des. 2021 10:36

Today's group session is cancelled due to illness. Feel free to still come to Assembler to study, and send me an email if you have any questions :)



Publisert 2. des. 2021 11:32

There are a few related errors in the description of the Hough representation of equilateral triangles in slide 40, slide 41, and the solution hints to IN5520/9520 Exam 2019 Exercise 3c. The peaks in the Hough representation will be π/3 apart along the θ-axis (so the descriptions are correct on that), but the associated values along the ρ-axis will alternative between being positive and negative with constant absolute value (the descriptions incorrectly state that the ρ-values are constant).


In order to rectify this, the following two changes should be applied to slide 40:
1. From: "The normals onto the three sides are of the same length, => ρ=h"
to: "The normals onto the three sides are of the same length, => abs(ρ)=h"
2. From "A: The three maxima in the (θ,ρ)-domain will slide in the positive θ-direction, keeping the 60 degree (π/3) distance between the maxima and a constant ρ-value, sliding out of the [-π/2,π/2]-domain at...

Publisert 23. nov. 2021 16:00

I will continue to hold group sessions on Fridays, and will be there to answer questions regarding the curriculum and past exams :)

Feel free to come to just sit and work as well or to work with your fellow students on past exams. 


Publisert 17. nov. 2021 09:29

If you want to solve exercise 3 to 5 of this week using Python, then you could try to use the morphology functions in scipy.ndimage

Publisert 15. nov. 2021 12:16

Welcome to tomorrow's interactive lecture in the room "Shell" on morphology. You should ideally have watched the prerecorded lecture video from last year (see link in the Timeplan) before coming to the interactive lecture. Please prepare questions if there is something you did not fully get; you are encouraged to ask them as we go through related topics and I will try to set aside some time for any other questions at the end of the lecture. This will be the last ordinary lecture. There will not be a lecture on the 23rd of November unless some expresses specific wishes to us by email. On the 30th of November, we will go through some previous exam tasks. If requested, we will also repeat some specific topics that day.

Publisert 22. okt. 2021 09:39

Mandatory 2 is now available under undervisningsmateriale/mandatory2.

Deadline is November 12. Please note that due to time limits for us to send lists of qualified student to the faculty, we will be more strict on extensions this time (do not count on more than 3 days if you do not have a doctor's declaration or other good documentation).

In addition to the exercise text, there is also a zip-file for matlab or python with image files. In this exercise you work on precomputed glcm-images and compute new features from these, and then use these new features for classification.

Publisert 18. okt. 2021 21:27

October 19 war planned with no lecture due to the kick-off of our new  centre Visual Intelligence.
We continue with support vector machines on October 26. 
We will make Mandatory 2 available as soon as possible.

Publisert 11. okt. 2021 20:33

See email for a link to a menti quiz.

Publisert 8. okt. 2021 09:42

Due to sickness, today's group session is cancelled :(

I will try to nonetheless be available on zoom between 14:00 and 16:00 if you need any help:

Alternatively, feel free to send me an email! 


Publisert 20. sep. 2021 09:51

Welcome to tomorrow's interactive lecture in the room "Shell". As last time, you should ideally have watched the prerecorded lecture video from last year (see link in the Timeplan) before coming to the interactive lecture.

We will start by discussing Mandatory 1, so you can ask questions about that too.

Please prepare questions if there is something you did not fully get; you are encouraged to ask them as we go through related topics and I will try to set aside some time for any other questions at the end of the lecture. See you!

Publisert 16. sep. 2021 23:21

In the Timeplan, you will now find links to an updated exercise text, a walk-through script for Jupyter Notebook, and a Python version of the help function to exercise 3. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.

Publisert 16. sep. 2021 10:37

We have to cancel the group on Friday 17th, but you can start working with either Mandatory 1 or next weeks material.

Publisert 14. sep. 2021 14:35

Mandatory 1 is now available, see here
Deadline October 5.

Publisert 13. sep. 2021 10:53

Welcome to tomorrow's interactive lecture in the room "Shell". As last time, you should ideally have watched the prerecorded lecture video from last year (see link in the Timeplan) before coming to the interactive lecture. Please prepare questions if there is something you did not fully get; you are encouraged to ask them as we go through related topics and I will try to set aside some time for any other questions at the end of the lecture. See you!

Publisert 6. sep. 2021 09:37

The lecture tomorrow will be in the room "Shell". The idea is that you have already watched the prerecorded lecture video from last year (see link in the Timeplan) and ask any question you might have during the interactive session. We will also go through some of the core material on this topic, e.g. by doing simple examples on the whiteboard. The lecture tomorrow will not be recorded. See you there!

Publisert 30. aug. 2021 16:22

Tuesday's lecture will be a repetition from IN 2070, on zoom (the zoom link from Timeplan).
The first group is Friday Sept 3., where you can either see the solution to the simple introduction exercises, or work on the texture exercise if you have watched the prerecorded video already. You can continue with this next week.
All material is linked under Timeplan (lectures and group sessions).

Publisert 27. aug. 2021 13:29

The first group session will be next Friday, 3rd of September.

Publisert 23. aug. 2021 20:06

Topic: IN 5400 Introductory lecture
Time: Aug 24, 2021 10:15 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 697 4979 3070
Passcode: 857681


Publisert 20. aug. 2021 17:57

Due to the high number of students registered for the course, the introductory lecture and the repetition lecture 31.8 will be on zoom. From September 7 - we expect the number of student attending to be a bit lower and a physical interactive lecture should be possible.

Publisert 17. aug. 2021 14:37

The first lecture 24. aug will be physically in Room Shell.
Since we give important information about the course this semester, a post-recording of this introduction will be made available on the web page the day after.

We plan to use weekly physicall interactive flipped classrom  lectures, supported by digital lectures from last year, and supplement with interactive zoom sessions when needed. 

We hope to run groups as normal.

Publisert 11. mai 2021 10:50

Lecturers will be Anne Solberg and Andreas Kleppe.

We will experiment with flipped classroom for parts of the course, if the covid situation makes it possible. We hope to have  as many physical lectures as possible.