A note on call-by-move and call-by-visit explains workarounds because call-by-move and call-by-visit do not work correctly.
-- Eric
Hi everyone,
I will be holding a status and info meeting tomorrow, Tuesday at 10:15am in Python.
See you then!
-- Eric
Hi everyone, Mininet was a greater challenge than anticipated. For Oblig 1 just create mulitple docker nodes.
You can find instructions here:
Because of these problems, you may have delayed in starting the assignment. Therefore, I have extended the deadline for delivery in devilry by 3 days. Also, as of now the devilry site is open for delivery of Oblig 1.
Sincerely, Eric
Hi everyone, it was not as easy to set up Mininet as expected :-( So therefore you do NOT have to use Mininet for Oblig 1. For the kilroy task, you merely create 3-4 docker versions of Emerald and run a node in each.
More on Mininet later ...
-- Eric
Hi all, I will be holding an IN5570v25 Status and Info Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday February 18th, 2025 at 10:15 in Python - this is the scheduled lecture slot.
Please e-mail me saying whether or not you can attend.
-- Eric
Oblig 1 has been published.
It mentions Mininet - more info about Mininet will come soon.
Sincerely Eric
ACTION ITEM: fill out Doodle for possible TA class times
Please fill out this Doodle to indicate when you are able to attend a TA class:
IMPORTANT NOTE: IGNORE the actual dates, focus on the WEEKDAY and the TIME SLOT ONLY!
Sincerely, Eric
Hi everyone,
I have now uploaded a suitable lecture for F03 along with some reading notes.
Looking forward, I expect to publish such reading notes on a weekly or biweekly as relevant.
At this time, there are seven taking the self-study course and so I am applying for some funds for some TA support. I have a Ph.D. student, Joachim, who will help out until we find a TA - Joachim is excellent, BUT is already over-committed in terms of teaching load.
When reading messages - such as this one - remember to click on the message so that you get to see the ENTIRE message - not merely the first part.
Next week, I will present the first Oblig, D01, which will be about concurrency and distribution.
Find the lecture F03 here. Find the sample programs ...
Hi guys.
Most of you were unable to attend yesterday's session on installing and using the Emerald compiler and runtime. So, I have created a folder under sessions called Getting Started.
For additional materials, you can find instructive programming exercises, and selected solutions on previous year's GitHub page.
Happy Hacking. Joachim {~_^}.
I am sick and will have to cancel my session at 10:15 today.
I hope to do a short Zoom meeting at 11:15 - just to give the most essential information.
UPDATE: My voice is gone so no Zoom. Will try to post info later.
Joachim is giving a Emerald System installation meeting at 13:15 - the room will be OJD: Black Box (3271).
For those that cannot attend, there will be instructions on the web site.
-- Eric
Thanks to those that showed up for the Intro Meeting today.
The first two lectures that you should view before next Tuesday, have been uploaded - see panel on the left, click on Lectures and Sessions and find the lectures, F01 and F02, and materials there.
Further reading material:
- The Emerald Language Report
- An article about ...
Zoom link for IN5570 intro meeting January 28th, 2025
Eric Jul is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting....
Hi everyone,
first, I would, on behalf of the department, again apologize for the (internal to IfI) misunderstanding about the status of IN5570 this semester.
It was planned to be self-study (as it was Spring 2024), but somewhere along the way, this info did not propogate to the person who actually does the scheduling of courses - and I did not notice the error :-(
Second, we have discussed how to handle the situation as there are at least 4 students that will follow the course - perhaps more... And so we plan to have some course activities, so that it will be semi-self-study - we will provide more support than the usual self-study (which typically are taken by just a few self-sustaining students).
Third, we will start with an orientation meeting via Zoom on Tuesday during the scheduled lecture slot - as I am at a workshop in Stockholm next week, it will be via Zoom and start at 10:50 and end no later than 12:00.
Dear IN5570 students, due to a misunderstanding, the course IN5570 was scheduled as a REGULAR course BUT it should have been scheduled as a self study course.
For this misunderstading, I will apoligize to the three students that showed up this morning.
PLEASE: each of you send me e-mail and I will set up the self study for the three of you.
Sincerely, Eric