
Publisert 27. okt. 2017 14:55

There are many groups that report that they cannot see much of a Miller effect in lab 3. This actually depends on the parameters given in the task (which might have been too little/big ....) , but also in the original gain of your circuit that you have measured in the previous labs. So it may well be that you cannot actually expect to see much of an effect. In any case, do not be alarmed, but try to come up with an explanation!!! That is to say, for the given parameters (resistance, capacitances, amp-gain): what effect would you have EXPECTED!

Publisert 27. okt. 2017 11:36

The exams since 2013 can now be found in the folder 'materiale'. Please note that both the book and pensum have changed over time, so not all tasks in these exams are relevant for the preparation for this year and some topics that are relavant this year might not be covered!

Publisert 25. okt. 2017 09:22

Those of you registered to INF4411 (i.e. master level) will also have chapter 3 on diodes in your pensum and you are expected to selv-study this chapter. You may expect that there will be 1-2 questions about this chapter in the exam.

Publisert 23. okt. 2017 09:25

Please solve 9.24, 15.33, 15.34, 15.36

Time allowing:
See example 9.3 on page 716 and look at 9.26


Publisert 17. okt. 2017 16:14

See here!

Publisert 16. okt. 2017 11:50

Dear all,

I have had a first complaint about someone unable to get a working place for lab 2. Obviously that problem becomes more pronounced close to the deadline, so please help each-other out. Maybe form bigger groups spontaneously? Also try to be well ahead of the deadline.

In any case, in the lecture I have asked you to send me your working day preference for the hours on either Friday or Wednesday when Thomas is there to help. These are the replies I have registered so far:

Groups registered on Friday:

Andrei Costescu

Henrik Gjestang
Sean Hansen

Dino Vele
Sivert Rasmussen

Rafael Gallegos
Claes-Jonas Gill

Groups registered on Wednesday:

Torleif Sk?r
Lars Moen
Mathias Orten

Mariia Gorodetskaia
Philip Stensrud
Endre Wollan

these groups shall have priority in the lab-times with Thomas on those days and can ask others to leave them their work-bench during those two hour...

Publisert 16. okt. 2017 11:20

Note that if you use the function within the Oscilloscope to determine phase between the input and the output of an INVERTING amplifier, it will actually say it is 180deg or -180deg for very low frequencies. So you might want to subtract/add 180deg in any plots you do to make up for the negative gain A... but be also careful that the oscilloscope might 'jump' bewteen -180deg to 180deg so to really get quit of the 180deg shift smoothly you might want to add 180deg and then do a 'modulo' 360deg.

Publisert 16. okt. 2017 09:18

Please solve 7.50, 7.64, 7.65 a) (note that 7.64 is already a small signal schematics, i.e. Gnd is small signal Gnd, i.e. an appropriate DC voltage. The result is symbolic expression using paramteres g_m1 g_m2 r_o1 ro2.)

Time allowing: 7.51, 7.65 b)

Publisert 13. okt. 2017 11:40

Please note that there is feedback written in the PDF file that is attached to the feedback on your lab 1 that you'll find in Devilry. It is advisable to have a look at it before finalizing your lab report for lab 2!!!

Publisert 12. okt. 2017 11:55

One group has just stumbled over a problem others might as well encounter:

When using scope probes their ground reference (little black crocodile clamp at the scope probe) MUST be connected to GLOBAL ground!!! That is NOT to any other DC voltage, like e.g. your point of operation voltage (even if that would be very convenient).

The reason: these clamps are internally connected to global ground and if you try to connect them to another voltage they will try to drag that voltage to global Gnd.

If this is unclear, talk to Thomas or come knocking at my door.


Publisert 9. okt. 2017 10:27

Thomas and I and one of the groups working on lab 2 just stumbled over a problem that others migh also face:

1) Always connect the power supplies of your IC to Vdd and Gnd (I believe these are pins 7 and 14)

2) Since the gate of a PFET and NFET are shorted, if you want to use the PFET independently, a) use one of the pairs where the source is NOT connected to the bulk. b) For the NFET that you do not want to use, short its drain and source together to the drain of the PFET (the drains are shorted anyway).

If these instructions are unclear, talk to Thomas.

Publisert 18. sep. 2017 08:52

Book task 6.1 and 15.2 and if there is time 6.2

Publisert 11. sep. 2017 09:45

today's exercises:

please have a look at the book exercise 15.3 and 15.6

Publisert 6. sep. 2017 14:38

Note that the lab assistant Thomas Lundby Heggland shall be present twice a week, Wednesdays 10-12 and Fridays 14-16. Note that each group will have to pick one of the two time slots. I am not entirely sure, if you can add 'tags' to your groups in Devilry ... if you can, please create a tag that says either 'Wednesday' or 'Friday' as you create your group.

Publisert 5. sep. 2017 14:11

Lab 1 can be found here for download and Devilry is set up so that you can define your own working groups. For the latter there is some documentation here.

Publisert 1. sep. 2017 13:43

Hi everybody,

we shall start the paper exercise sessions next Monday, 4-Sep-2017

Note the time: 14:15-16:00!!! (I think I got that wrong on my slide in the intro-lecture)

You shall try to answer the following question:

for a nFET with parameters

W=1e-6; %m
L=1e-6; %m
uCox=200e-6; % A/V^2
UT=26e-3; %V

Vt=500e-3; %V
Vdd=3.3; %V
lambda=0; %parameter for Early effect, see lecture slides.

If Vs=0 and Vd=1.8V and Id is (1nA, 200uA, 600uA), what region of operation is the transistor in (i.e. Triode vs. Active and Weak Inversion vs Strong Inversion) and what value is Vg? Use the equations from the book and the right region of operation to get Vg!

best regards


Publisert 29. aug. 2017 08:40


jeg er dessverre syk i dag og kan ikke forelese. Allikevel skal dere lese i boka og/eller se p? podcast-en fra i fjor om kapittel 5.1 til 5.3:

Da skal vi se p? sp?rsm?let p? som jeg stilte dere forrige uke igjen neste uke og se om dere svarer anderledes n?.

