Hi, not that the information is buried under all the newer announcements, here again:
it has been APPROVED that this semester, the exam form is
ORAL (muntlig)
with bestatt/ikke bestatt (pass/fail).
The day is 12.June (the original day) and 11 June (for slack).
The information is NOT yet incorporated in the official part of the course web-site (so that information, while looking official, is OUT OF DATE for now). It will be updated centrally (maybe via the FS/Felles-system), to reflect the change.
More detailed instructions (what to expect, allocation of slots, technical side conditions) will follow.. There are already IFI/MN/UIO pages with info about oral-exams-during-virus times.
Here is the email as beskjed (for those who don't read emails...)
the last 2 ZOOM meetings were either empty or with one person. That's
fine, insofar there is no new material and if there are no question it
does not matter much.
It seems that officially (accoding to the centrally administered
timeplan), today is the last meeting. Of course, if question afterwards
comes up, it's fine as well.
But I will be there again today at the usual time (see below). One part
will (again) probably be about oral exams. We had that before, I have no
overview how many people where there last time, probably not
everyone. So if there are questions about that, please take the
In particular, the UIO or matnat have put out more information about the
exam. They said, they sent information to students,...
again: no new material, but open session, Q&A, exam prep if wanted
Today, I talked (again) about how to prepare for the exam and what to expect (to the extent it's fixed).
Besides, on request, I made a short ``flyover'' version of all of the lecture, thumbiing (quite fast) hrough the scipt, touching upon issues. I of course, could not ``explain'' all concepts, but more reminding that we had introduced this and that, and also sometimes talked about how that may be covered in the exam.
It's not meant as "pensum-video" like: everything I mentioned can be asked, the rest not. In particular, I think, in the video, the material about top-down parsing is missing (I used a version of script, which is under-work, where I add more explanations; it will replace later the currently uploaded version). Of course it does not mean that top-down parsing is irrelevant.
Since I forgot to press the record button, I make an offline version later the week (section codegeneration + global liveness)
it has been APPROVED that this semester, the exam form is
ORAL (muntlig)
with bestatt/ikke bestatt (pass/fail).
The day is 12.June (the original day) and 11 June (for slack).
The information is NOT yet incorporated in the official part of the course web-site (so that information, while looking official, is OUT OF DATE for now). It will be updated centrally (maybe via the FS/Felles-system), to reflect the change.
More detailed instructions (what to expect, allocation of slots, technical side conditions) will follow..
Martin Steffen
Last time, the video was not too good for at least 2 reasons. The first part was recorded without sharing the slides, and somewhere in the middle, the internet went shaky and the recording broke off altogether, and the rest of the lecture went unrecorded.
I replaced the ``version'' from last week with an updated second recording (covering a bit more than last time)
Hi, today I plan to talk about O2.
the material is aslo available on the git-repos of the compila-compiler. It is there in the form of a ``patch'' for easy download.
(but if you still have the repository clone around, you can also fetch an update via git).
In the patch is also the sllides and the handout, I will talk about today.
Also those are web-accesible via
One of the earlier slots which were planned for an exercise, was already ``replaced'' by a lecture, since no one was present, and that its probably a waste of time filming me talking 2 hours about the exercises.
What I do instead is: I simply publish the exercises, and give you
1 week or so to do it yourself (and ask questions for help, email wise or in matter most), before I publish solutions.
I might make a short video, explaining the ``ideas'' behind the exercise, and how to approach it and how not. But I will not make a video of the exact solution, as the solution versions of the exercises contain all that information in written form, and for exercises of that kinds, it's the details that matter, not some verbalization of how to do it.
Hi, originally I planned to make exercises. Since I saw no one joining the zoom meeting, I made a lecture instead. it's uploaded at the usial place
Hi, both parts of yesterday's lecture are now available. The first
part (where on the livestream the slides were not shown), I did again without audio and uploaded as well
I started making ``voice-over' versions of the slides. I produce them piece by piece. Later I might postprocess them (at least gluing the pieces togehter a bit). They are numbered referring to the page numbers on the slides.
The are put into the subdirectory voice-over in the slides subdirectory here. Martin
a channel for the course has been opened
course participants can use that for questions, discussions etc. I have not used Mattermost before, we have to see if it's a useful medium.
The lecture 12.03 is cancelled. I need time to drum up some electronic solution. As far as I understand, lectures are strongly recommended (or required) to be done electronically. I need to find ways to drum up something. I try to figure something out.
someone pointet out some error in one of the solutions for exercise 1, (in the powerset construction, one state was not marked as accepting, where it should), I repaired that and replaced the solution. And I am always thankful for feedback on spotted errors and unclarities.
Sometimes, there are typos in the slides, which I see only during the lecture. I repair also those, without especially announcing it here.
Anyway, at the end of the semester, the slide set and "script" will be uploaded again in an updated version (without announcing all improvements here).
slides (and a handout version of them) will be uploaded during the semester in the corresponding directory. same for exercises.
If one needs a preview of material to come, one can see for instance the 2019 version of the slides in the corresponding semester page. Each round, the slides undergo some reworking, additions, polishing, though, but the core presumably remains more or less the same.
At the end of the semester, I will upload a full version of all slides of the 2020 slides.
As for the exercises: I will make solutions or hints for solutions available, but only some time after we have treated them in the group session.