Semesterside for INF5510 - V?r 2016


Hi everyone.
It took a little longer getting the grades ready, sorry.
And I had problems finding the correct e-mail for each of you, so
instead I have put your grade in as feedback for Home Exam II in delivry.
So, go to devilry and check your feedback.
The grade given is the combined grade for Home Exam I, Home Exam II, and
the oral exam.
18. juni 2016 12:48

Hi. I will hold a Question and Answer section on June 15th, at 4pm.

I will also be giving tips for the oral exam.

Sincerely, Eric

Navn: Exam information meeting for INF5510
Id: 16v-ERICBJ-1

Dato(er) og tid:
15.06.2016, 16:00-17:00

Ole-Johan Dahls hus: Seminarrom Perl

9. juni 2016 12:47

I have now uploaded all the whiteboard pictures that I have.

I have added comments on what the pictures shows to some of the pictures.



8. juni 2016 14:23

Home Exam 2: Devilry now open for submissions

8. juni 2016 14:06