
Publisert 12. juni 2017 18:39

The location of the Oral Exams in INF5510 will be:

  • June 13th: Scheme OJD 1251
  • June 14th: M?terom OJD 10167

There is a slight change in the schdule (a student asked to be moved to a different time).

Please make sure to show up in plenty of time - preferably an hour before  - if there is a no-show, you may be moved to a slot one half hour earlier.

Good luck!




Publisert 8. juni 2017 17:51

Based on the Doodle, I have assigned time slots for the Oral Exam.

Of the 15 that answered the Doodle, all have gotten a preferred time slot.




Publisert 2. juni 2017 13:37

Our hjelpel?rer, Gaute, will go thru the exam questions at the gruppetime this coming Thursday.

I strongly recommend showing up!  BRING YOUR A4 sheets for each question!   Even if they are blank! You should get tips for what to put on those sheets.



Publisert 2. juni 2017 13:34

Dear All.

Exam question 7 is known as one of the most tedious questions because it is full of details that are easy to get confused about in the midst of an oral exam.

My suggestion is that IF you draw this question then first say a few general words about how to move then use my example from the May 24th lecture.

First describe the memory layout on the two nodes BEFORE the move, then describe what is sent as part of the move then describe the memory layout AFTER the move.

Feel free to simply use a printout of my example - you do NOT have to bring it to the exam: I will have printouts of the example at the exam :)

Please also note that the material from lecture F10 is listed between F1 and F2 because the web site sorts alphabetically!



Publisert 24. mai 2017 11:10

You can give your preference for a slot at the oral exam:

YES - preferred slot

(YES) - less preferred slot

NO - please avoid slot


Use the doodle here:


Deadline: Wednesday June 7th at noon

Publisert 22. mai 2017 17:04

The exam questions for 2017 have been posted.

I will go thru them at the lecture on Wednesday.





Publisert 22. mai 2017 15:52

The oral exams will take place on June 13th from 9am-about 16:00 and June 14th from 9am to 15:00.

The exam questions will be presented and discussed at the lecture on Wednesday -- if you already want a prepeek at the questions then look at last year's quesions - this year, they will be almost identical to last year's.



Publisert 19. mai 2017 15:25

Rescheduling of Cancelled lecture - now scheduled for May 24th, 2017 10:15-12

In Java OJD 2423.



Publisert 17. mai 2017 19:23

You can now submit Home Exam 2 to devilry.

Note that you are welcome to submit as many times as you want, so IF you are in a panic working hard up to the deadline, then submit once or twice in due time before the deadline - it is the latest version ONLY that will be graded.


Ha en god 17. mai :)

Publisert 10. mai 2017 05:47

Lecture today, May 10th, 2017 CANCELLED due to illness.

The lecture will be rescheduled later.



Publisert 21. apr. 2017 14:19

Home exam 2 PDF has been uploaded



Publisert 20. apr. 2017 03:49

The lecture Friday 2017-04-21 will start at 10.15 and go to between 15 and 16.

There will be an early break at 11:15 to 13:00 (I have to attend a meeting).

The room will be OJD 2452 Seminarrom Pascal.

Home exam 2 will be presented during the lecture and published after the lecture.




Publisert 19. mars 2017 15:46

Next lectures:

05/04-2017  10.15-12 Java OJD 2423
21/04-2017  10.15- approximately 16 Room to be announced


Publisert 19. mars 2017 15:43

Lecture F7 summary and pictures uploaded.



Publisert 13. mars 2017 21:31

Home exam 1 is now open for delivery in devilry.


Publisert 10. mars 2017 15:39

Here is home exam 1

Home exam 1 is now open for delivery in devilry.


Publisert 9. mars 2017 19:05

Lecture Friday March 10th, 2017 10.15 - cirka 15

Rom: Postscript OJD 2458

See you there!




Publisert 4. mars 2017 15:00

Due to problems with the implementation of call-by-visit, there is a change in Execise one fro Obliq2.

Please see Obliq2 v2 and see the Obliq2 forum on Piazza where the work-around code is listed.


Publisert 1. mars 2017 15:46

Obliq 2 PDF has been posted on the web site - see menu on the left.



Publisert 1. mars 2017 15:09

Lecture material from the lecture F6 March 1st, 2017 is available in the menu on the left

Publisert 1. mars 2017 13:48

I have added all the nodes on Planetlab that currently appear to be up.

And removed those that appear to be down.

So there is now 586 potentiel nodes.


Publisert 22. feb. 2017 11:22

If you have any problems or concerns, feel free to post them on Piazza - then all can see them - and you will often get an answer quickly :)


Publisert 21. feb. 2017 11:36

No lecture February 22nd nor 24th, 2017.

The following lectures have been scheduled:

01/03-2017  10.15-12 Java OJD 2423
10/03-2017  10.15-16 Room to be announced
21/04-2017  10.15-16 Room to be announced

Obliqs and exams:

Obliq 2:                  01/03-09/03
Home Exam 1:      10/03-06/04
Home Exam 2:      21/04-19/05

Oral Exam EXPECTED: week of June 12th - June 16th

Publisert 21. feb. 2017 11:26

Lecture summaries and material F4 and F5 uploaded.

Accessible from the left menu "Lectures-v17".



Publisert 16. feb. 2017 18:14

Obliq 1 had a mistake in the delivery date: the 28th is the correct delivery date, but it is a Tuesday, not a Sunday.

A new version where "Sunday" has been replaced by "Tuesday" has been uploaded.
