
Publisert 16. mai 2007 13:25

Exam preparation: on Wednesday May 30, at 10.15 (usual lecture room) we will go through the exam of 2006.

Publisert 16. apr. 2007 16:39

Extra exercise class on Friday April 20 in C309 14.15: Bj?rn will discuss Ex. 6.6, 7.1.

Publisert 28. mars 2007 13:49

On time schedule ahead: Due to a misunderstanding concerning midterm (my mistake!), we had to cancel the lectures March 21 and 28. I will catch up fast after the Easter holiday and talk about the matrix version of the simplex alg. on April 11. Next exercise class is April 16, and Bj?rn will then discuss with you one extra class some time during that week. Have a nice holiday, reading linear optimization, of course!

Publisert 28. feb. 2007 13:22

Concerning the topic of the lecture Febr.28, complexity of LP algorithms: if you are interested, the paper by Bixby (see link on this page) explains more on the progress of algorithms for LP. How big are the improvements, and how were they obtained! (Bixby is the inventor of CPLEX.)

Publisert 12. feb. 2007 10:08

Gruppel?rer (class teacher) er Bj?rn Terjei Austenaa []

Publisert 26. jan. 2007 15:58

Innleveringsfrister: Oblig.1: 26.februar, Oblig.2: 23.april.

Publisert 18. des. 2006 12:34

Velkommen til dette kurset som starter 24.januar! Her l?rer du line?r optimering og simpleksalgoritmen, kanskje verdens mest brukte algoritme. Du f?r ogs? noe innblikk i polyedre og anvendelser.