
Published June 9, 2011 4:25 PM

Solution for the exam is now posted. The exam results will be sent to the study adm. tomorrow; sorry for the delay (due to several reasons).

Published May 18, 2011 2:46 PM

Lykke til p? eksamen/good luck on the exam!

Published May 16, 2011 3:20 PM

This week: lecture on Wednesday (Exam 2010+questions), but no group class. Next week: only group class, usual time.

Published May 9, 2011 10:55 AM

Exam: The exam will be in English (confer email on this), but you may answer in Norwegian (or some mix of the two!). There are no aids on the exam/ingen hjelpemidler, not even calculator (the calculations will be very moderate anyway).

Published Apr. 11, 2011 11:16 AM

1.) Lectures: last week I was rather slow, so on Wednesday I will lecture at top speed! And finish the part on convexity. 2.) On your work: based on compulsory projects etc. we see that SOME of you do not work enough with this course. To understand the ideas, methods etc., and to do well on the exam, it is important to work well throughout the semester!

Published Mar. 29, 2011 5:01 PM

There was an error in the dates on the lecture time schedule. Corrected now, and lectures every Wednesday till Easter holidays. Sorry about that!

Published Mar. 23, 2011 11:12 AM

Midway evaluation of the course: if you would, please write a few lines as an evaluation of the course. We collect this next week (at the lecture, no name on your paper). You may comment on things like (i) Book, syllabus, difficulty/level/workload, (ii) Lectures, (iii) Web page and information, (ii) Group classes. Any comments are welcome!

Published Mar. 8, 2011 11:23 AM

Compulsory project 2 is now available: apart from a theoretical question, it is computationally oriented (based on lectures March 9. and 16, but you may start now).

Published Mar. 1, 2011 11:11 AM

NOTE: On March 2. the group session will be 12.15-14, not 16. (Solveig is ill, but Geir will be there.)

Published Feb. 22, 2011 12:21 PM

No group session Wednesday Feb 23. Extended group session 12.15-14 Wednesday March 2.

Published Feb. 8, 2011 2:31 PM

Compulsory project 1 (=Oblig 1) is now available: deadline March 4. Good luck!

Published Jan. 31, 2011 1:26 PM

NOTE: there are NO class (group) on Mondays. All teaching is on Wednesdays (08.15-10 and 12.15-14).

Published Dec. 9, 2010 1:27 PM

Velkommen til INF-MAT3370 Line?r optimering v?ren 2011! (Welcome: the lectures are in English if there are foreign exchange-students asking for it!) Here you will learn about linear optimization (also called linear programming, LP) and the simplex algorithm; this is one of the most used algorithms in the world! LP is very useful in many areas, for instance in mathematical (and computational) finance, transportation analysis/planning, scheduling etc. You will also gain insight into applications and the theory of polyhedra (geometrical objects, examples include triangles, pyramids, cubes ...). If you like linear algebra and matrices, there is a good chance that you'll like this course as well! NOTE: lectures are on Wednesdays 08.15-10 B1036 (bring some coffee!), and even classes are on Wednesdays. Again, welcome! By the way, the book we use (Vanderbei, Linear Programming) may be read for free online (see this page), or you may buy a copy, 659 kr at Akademika (pensumsrabatt).