
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
29.08.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? LN Chapter 1,2? Review of vector spaces.1,2?
31.08.2005Tom Lyche? B1035, 08:15-10:00? LN 3? Review of matrices, linear system, inverse, block multiplication,..LN3?
05.09.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? Review of eigenvalues and eigenvectors? LN4?
07.09.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3B, Informatikkbygningen 08:15-10:00? Introduction to Matlab and exercises? download exercises, introduction to MATLAB slides?
12.09.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? Singular Value Decomposition? svdlecture?svdchapter?
14.09.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3B? ? exercises?
19.09.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? Matrixnorms? matrixnormchapter?
21.09.2005Christian Schulz? Aud #B? ? exercises?
26.09.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? Gaussian elimination? Lecture?
28.09.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3B? ? exercises?
03.10.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? LU factorization and Positve definite matrices? Lecture?
05.10.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3B? ? exercises?
10.10.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? The Discrete Poisson problem and Kronecker products? Lecture?
12.10.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3? ? exercises?
17.10.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? Iterative methods? Lecture?
19.10.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3? ? exercises?
24.10.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? The Conjuugate gradient method? Lecture?
26.10.2005Christian Schulz ? Aud 3 ? ? exercises?
31.10.2005Geir Dahl? B1036? Fast Poisson solvers? Lecture?
02.11.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3? ? Continuation of last weeks exercises?
07.11.2005Geir Dahl? B1036? QR-factorization, reflections and rotations? Lecture?
09.11.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3? ? exercises?
14.11.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? Eigenvalues and eigenvectors? Lecture?
16.11.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3? ? exercises?
21.11.2005Tom Lyche? B1036? Overbestemte lignigner, SVD? Lecture?
23.11.2005Christian Schulz? Aud 3? ? following problems from Leon: 7.6.4, 7.6.6, 7.6.7, 7.7.2, 7.7.4, 7.7.10?
Publisert 11. aug. 2005 11:15 - Sist endret 20. nov. 2005 23:27