The oral exams for the two students from Narvik are on Tuesday 1 June at 1315 in Room 2H at the Informatics Building.
The oral exams will be on Monday 7 June. All students are required to meet at Room 2H at the Informatics Building at 0900.
Corrected function legendre p 584
function [x,w] = legendre(n) % [x,w]=LEGENDRE(n) computes the nodes nd weights in the % Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule with n+1 nodes (n>1) % in the interval [-1,1]. gamma = 1./sqrt(4 - [1:n].^(-2)); gamma(n+1) = 0; b0 = gamma(1:2:n+1); % error #1 removed "(1)" b1 = gamma(2:2:n); % error #2 removed "(k)" B = diag(b0,0) + diag(b1,1); [P,S,Q] = svd(B); x = diag(S); [x,i] = sort(x); w = Q(1,i).^2; % error #3 Should be "Q" not "P" N = length(x); if (rem(n,2) == 0) w(1) = 2*w(1); end
As discusssed in class, we're changing the lecture time to 1015-1200, starting next week, Tuesday 2 February. On the weeks we go through exercises, we'll go through them in the extra hour 0915-1000. See the Teaching Plan.
We are planning to lecture this course this semester. We are also modernizing the course by changing to the new book, Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing, by G. Dahlquist and ?. Bj?rk, SIAM, 2008. We intend to follow mainly Chapters 4 and 5. If you intend to take this course we suggest you order the book (e.g. from Amazon) as soon as possible.