
Publisert 15. feb. 2011 12:54

The second assignement is due March 15. Tom Lyche will be present in B63 at 0915 on that day to answer questions (he is away on March 8). Knut M?rken and Tom Lyche are of course available at other times to answer questions.

Publisert 1. feb. 2011 12:43

No lectures will be given this semester, but there will be an oral exam for those who have (a) signed up for the course, and (b) handed to Tom Lyche (B1015 or Assignements 1,2,3,4 given in the Detailed teaching plan for 2010. The deadlines given there should be followed. Thus Assignement 1 is due Feb 16. Michael Floater is away this semester so do not hand in or send solutions to him. Tom Lyche will answer any questions you might have and will be present 09.15 in B63 on the following dates: 15.2, 8.3, 12.4, 10.5. Knut M?rken can also answer questions.

The exam material (pensum) is as in the Detailed teaching plan for 2010. The oral exam will be given one day in early June.