
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.01.2006Christina M?rtberg? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Introduktion. Design, symboler samt teknologi som material/materialitet? Litteratur: Bratteteig, T. (2001). Software design: working with symbolic material, Bringing Gender Issues to Technology Design.

Wajcman, Judy (2000) ’Reflections on Gender and Technology Studies. In what state is the art?’?

02.02.2006Christina M?rtberg? 3B Informatikkbygningen? K?n i design? Litteratur: Lie, M. (2003) The new Amazons. Gender Symbolism on the Net. Karasti, H. (2003). Can Film Developers Be(come) Technology Developers? Reflections on Gendered Expertise and Participation in System Design.

Arun, S & Arun, T.G. (2001) Gender and Work Within the Software Industry: an Indian perspective. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, vol. 7. pp. 215-230.

Arun, S & Arun, T. (2002) ICTs, Gender and Development: Women in Software production in Kerala. Journal of International development 14, 39-50 (2002). ?

09.02.2006Maja van der Velden? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Demokratisering av kunskap och teknologi? van der Velden, M. (2004) Programming for cognitive justice Towarsds an ethical framwork for democratic order. Interacting with Computers 17 (2005) 105-120,

Lin, Y.-W. (2006). A Techno-Feminist Perspective on the Free/Libre Open Source Software Development. In the book edited by E. M. Trauth Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc. (see a GFDL-ed draft version at http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/lin5.pdf)

Lin, Y.-W. (2006). Inclusion, Diversity and Gender Equality: Gender Dimensions of Free/Libre Open Source Software development. In the book edited by E. M. Trauth Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc. (see a GPL-ed draft version at http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/lin3_gender.pdf)?

16.02.2006Christina M?rtberg? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Relationer k?n och teknologi (desgin)? Litteratur: Oudshoorn, N. Rommes, E & Stienstra, M (2004) Configuring the User as Everybody: Gender and Design Cultures in Information and Communication Technologies

Lagesen, V. A. The Strength of Numbers Strategies to Include Women in Computer Science. In Lagesen Extreme make-over? The making of Gender and Computer Science. PhD Dissertation 71 -2005. (pp. 155-194). Centre for Technology and Society. Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture. NTNU

Lagesen, V. A. The Strength of Numbers Strategies to Include Women in Computer Science. A Cyber-Feminist Utopia? Perceptions on gender and computer science among Malaysian women computer science students.

Lin, Y.-W. (2006). A Techno-Feminist Perspective on the Free/Libre Open Source Software Development, Inclusion, Diversity and Gender Equality: Gender Dimensions of Free/Libre Open Source Software development

Vehvil?inen, M. (2005). The Numbers of Women in ICT and Cyborg narratives: On the Approaches of Researching Gender in Information and Communication Technology.?

23.02.2006Christina M?rtberg? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Teknologi och vetenskapsstudier - feministiska? Haraway, D. J. (2001). Det beskjedne vitnet: feministiske diffraksjoner i vitenskapsstudier;

Star, S. L. (2001). Makt, teknologier og konvensjonenes fenomenologi. Om ? v?re allergisk mot l?k

Vehvil?inen, M. (2005). The Numbers of Women in ICT and Cyborg narratives: On the Approaches of Researching Gender in Information and Communication Technology.?

02.03.2006Christina M?rtberg ? ? Projektarbete -planering? Planering av projektarbete i grupp.

Fotografering av artefakter, vardagsredskap, yrkesredskap, omgivningar (t.ex. m?bler, broar) samt genomf?randet av en f?rsta analys 5 olika ting ?

09.03.2006? ? Projektarbete? Fotografering av artefakter, vardagsredskap, yrkesredskap, omgivningar (t.ex. m?bler, broar) samt genomf?randet av en f?rsta analys 5 olika ting ?
16.03.2006? ? Projektarbete? Se 9.3?
23.03.2006? ? ? Undervisningsfritt?
30.03.2006C M?rtberg och Maja van der Velden? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Workshop - projektarbete? Diskussion av aretfakter etc fr?n projektarbeten?
06.04.2006Marisa C. D'Mello ? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Gender and Software Development in India ? Arun, S & Arun, T.G. (2001) Gender and Work Within the Software Industry: an Indian perspective. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, vol. 7. pp. 215-230.

Arun, S & Arun, T. (2002) ICTs, Gender and Development: Women in Software production in Kerala. Journal of International development 14, 39-50 (2002). ?

20.04.2006Knut Oftung, Nordiska institutet f?r kvinno- och k?nsforskning, Oslo? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Kj?nnsperspektiver p? menn? Lie, M. (2003) The new Amazons. Gender Symbolism on the Net.?
27.04.2006Christina Bj?rkman? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Feminist forskning m?ter Informatik: invitation till dialog? Bj?rkman, C: Invitation to Dialogue: Feminist Research meets Computer Science

Haraway, D. J. (2001). Det beskjedne vitnet: feministiske diffraksjoner i vitenskapsstudier.

M?rtberg, C. (2003). In Dreams Begins Responsibility – Feminist Alternatives to Technoscience.?

04.05.2005Christina M?rtberg? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Design from somewhere? Suchman, L (2002). Located Accountabilities in Technology Production.

M?rtberg, C. (2003). In Dreams Begins Responsibility – Feminist Alternatives to Technoscience.?

11.05.2005? ? Projektarbete med essay? ?
18.05.2006Christina M?rtberg ? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Uppsummering? ?
29.05.2006Christina M?rtberg och Cathrine Egeland? Informatikkbygningen rum 2 H? Examen: En essay samt muntlig eksamen? Extern sensor: Cathrine Egeland, Senter for kvinne- og kj?nssforskning, Universitet i Bergen

Tider p? webpage efter att essay ?r innlevert?

Publisert 11. nov. 2005 16:04 - Sist endret 19. mai 2006 19:15