
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
30.08.2007Jo Herstad? Lille aud? Introduction to the course, expectations, chapter 1? The slides for each chapter is found here?
06.09.2007Jo Herstad? Lille aud? Chapter 1 (continued)? Introduction to the projects;
  • Understanding use
  • Prototyping/design
  • Evaluation
13.09.2007Alma Culén? Lille aud? Chapter 2 ? Chapter 2 slides (basically from the book with some extras)?
20.09.2007Alma Culén? Lille aud? Chapter 3 ? Chapter 3 slides (this is a bit different than your book slides, but covers the same basic area)?
24.09.2007Wonder document - submission 10:00? Vortex? ? ?
27.09.2007Alma Culén? Lille aud? Chapter 4 and 5? ?
04.10.2007Alma Culén? Lille aud? Chapter 6? ?
11.10.2007No lecture this week? ? ? ?
18.10.2007Jo Herstad? Lille aud? Chapter 7? ?
25.10.2007Jo Herstad? Lille aud? Chapter 8? ?
01.11.2007Jo Herstad? Lille aud? Presentation of projects? ?
05.11.2007Mid term report - submission 10:00? Vortex? ? ?
08.11.2007Jo Herstad? Helga Engs, Auditorium 1? Chapter 9 + 10? ?
15.11.2007Jo Herstad? Lille aud? Chapter 11 + 12? ?
22.11.2007Alma Culén ? Lille aud? Chapter 13 + 14 + 15? ?
29.11.2007Alma Culén? Lille aud? Summing up? ?
03.12.2007Final report - submission 10:00? ? ? ?
Published Aug. 1, 2007 5:26 PM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2007 4:33 PM