
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.08.2006P?l S?rgaard? ? Reframing Organizations, 1? Slides: Introduction to organisation theory?
29.08.2006P?l S?rgaard? ? Reframing Organizations, 2? Slides: The structural frame?
05.09.2006P?l S?rgaard? ? Reframing Organizations, 3? Slides: The structural frame, part II

Slides: The Human Resource Frame, part I?

06.09.2006Erik Richvoldsen? ? Tutorials? Group 1 on Wednesday 6th, group 2 on Thursday 7th. The purpose of the session this week is to establish groups of 3 students who will collaborate on the first assignment and to discuss possible sites for empirical studies. ?
12.09.2006P?l S?rgaard? ? Reframing Organizations, 4? Slides: The Human Resource Frame, part II?
19.09.2006Jens Kaasb?ll? ? Introduction to IS and organization: foundations? Boddy et al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 1 and 2. Carr "IT Doesn't Matter" Brown and Hagel "Does IT matter?" Slides: Does IT matter??
26.09.2006P?l S?rgaard? ? Reframing Organizations, 5? Slides: The Political Frame?
03.10.2006P?l S?rgaard? ? The symbolic frame? Slides: The Symbolic Frame?
10.10.2006? ? No teaching this week? ?
17.10.2006Jens Kaasb?ll? ? Final assignment. Cultural and political aspects of IS: The issue of participation ? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 6 and 7

Gro Bjerknes and Tone Bratteteig (1995)User Participation and Democracy: A Discussion of Scandinavian Research on System Development Scand J Inf Syst 7(1) 73-98


24.10.2006Jens Kaasb?ll? ? IS, people and work practices 1? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 8

Slides Boddy

Slides Involvement?

31.10.2006Jens Kaasb?ll? ? IS, people and work practices 2? Gasser (1986) The Integration of Computing and Routine Work ACM Trans Office Inf Syst 4(3)205-225


Jens Kaasb?ll (2002) Alternative to parrot training

Jens Kaasb?ll (2002) Superusers: how to improve user support and information flow?


02.11.2006Jens Kaasb?ll? 16:15 - 18. Foredragssal Veglaboratoriet (Gaustadalléen 25)? ? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 9


Lyytinen, K. and Robey, D. (1999)"Learning failure in information systems development" Info Systems J 9(2) 85-101 Follow link to Information Systems Journal, and to Swetswise database


07.11.2006Jens Kaasb?ll? ? IS and change? Walsham, G. (1993)"Organizational Change: Context and Process" in Interpreting Information Systems in Organizations, pp. 52-71. Paper copy distributed in class and from the Department's Administration, 2nd floor.


14.11.2006Knut Rolland? ? IS and Strategy? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 3 and Ch 4


Ciborra, C. (1997)De Profundis? Deconstructing the concept of strategic alignment Scand J Inf Syst 9(1) ?

15.12.2006? ? Submission of ? final assignment


Published July 17, 2006 11:53 AM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2006 9:06 PM