
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
29.08.2007Helene Schulerud and Anne Solberg? Lille Aud? Introduction and repetition? Introduction to the course

Lecture foils for repetition is here

Exercise 1, Introduction to Matlab


05.09.2007Anne Solberg? Lille Aud? Fourier analysis of images? Lecture foils are here

Exercises on Fourier transform ?

12.09.2007Anne Solberg? Lille Aud? Fourier analysis of images? Lecture foils are here

Exercises for the groups 19.9 are here?

19.09.2007Helene Schulerud? Lille Aud? Morphology? Lecture foils are here

Exercises for the groups 26.9 are here?

26.09.2007Helene Schulerud? Lille Aud? Image segmentation? Lecture foils are here

Exercises for the groups 3.10 are here?

03.10.2007Anne Solberg ? Lille Aud? Object representation? Lecture foils are here

Exercise for the group 17.10 are here?

10.10.2007? ? No lecture? ?
17.10.2007Helene Schulerud? Lille Aud? Object description, feature extraction? Lecture foils are here

Exercise for the group are here?

24.10.2007Anne Solberg? Lille Aud? Object classification? Lecture foils here

The exercise set for classification will be available after the second classification lecture. Use this weeks exercise time to work on part II of the mandatory project.


31.10.2007Anne Solberg? Lille Aud? More on object classification? Lecture foils are here

Exercises on classification are here

Solution to theoretical classification exercercises are here??

07.11.2007Helene Schulerud? Lille Aud? Feature analysis and selection? Lecture foils are here

Exercises on feature analysis and selection are here?

14.11.2007Helene Schulerud? Lille Aud? Object description, texture? Lecture foils are here

Good tutorial on GLCM

Exercises on texture are here?

21.11.2007Anne Solberg ? Lille Aud? Hough transform? Lecture foils are here

Exercise text is found at the end of the lecture notes. Experiment with hough-transform on the image "corridor" and the image test1 from the mandatory exercise.

Matlab scripts

Matlab function for Hough transform

Matlab function for drawing lines

Image of corridor

Image of coins

Exercise solution Random hough tranform

Matlab support function


05.12.2007Helene Schulerud and Anne Solberg? Lille Aud? Repetition? ?
12.12.2006? ? ? ?
Publisert 29. aug. 2006 12:22 - Sist endret 28. nov. 2007 12:04