
Publisert 17. nov. 2014 09:03

Todays exercises are available here.

Publisert 12. nov. 2014 12:07

Here are the demos mentioned in todays lecture:

Publisert 9. nov. 2014 19:17

This mondays exercises can be found here, and the start code found here.

Publisert 5. nov. 2014 16:45
Publisert 5. nov. 2014 15:57

The thirdmandatory assignment has now been made available, and the deadline is Tuesday 18th of November at 18:00.

You can find the assignment description here, and the skeleton code here.

Publisert 27. okt. 2014 13:11

In todays tutorial, you will get help with the third mandatory assignment. For those of you who have finished the assignment (and last weeks exercises), you can take a look at next weeks exercises which are available here.

You can base your implementation on the code from last week (triangulatepoly).

These exercises are quite relevant for developing an understanding of triangular meshes which will be a central topic in mandatory assignment 4.

Publisert 18. okt. 2014 14:23

The exercises for the monday tutorial can be found here, and the referenced source code is available here.

Publisert 15. okt. 2014 21:31

Dear all,

for the third mandatory assignment, you may experience errors related to GLI. GLI has changed its API from version 0.4 to 0.5, and this is the cause of errors. The solution to these errors should be trivial, but if you have any difficulties, please send an email to the group teacher.

When you hand in your solution, please specify which version of GLM you are using.

Good luck with the assignment!

Publisert 8. okt. 2014 21:55

The thirdmandatory assignment has now been made available, and the deadline is two weeks from today: Monday 27th of October at 14:00.

You can find the assignment description here, and the skeleton code here.

Publisert 6. okt. 2014 10:21

This weeks exercises are now available.

Publisert 24. sep. 2014 15:39

You can find the Nate Robins OpenGL tutors on

You can even download pre-compiled binaries for windows and mac, and compiling the tutors is no big challenge either.

Publisert 22. sep. 2014 09:16

The tutorial for today is available here.

The source code is here:


Publisert 18. sep. 2014 12:54

Dear all,

If you experience compilation errors related to "M_PI" when compiling the handout code, you can fix this using one of two approaches:

1: Define M_PI using the C preprocessor or as a constant variable, or

2: Define _USE_MATH_DEFINES before including the cmath library.

Publisert 15. sep. 2014 08:02

The second mandatory assignment has now been made available, and the deadline is two weeks from today: Monday 29th of September at 14:00.

You can find the assignment description here, and the skeleton code here.

Publisert 15. sep. 2014 07:58
Publisert 8. sep. 2014 09:16

You can find todays exercises on

Remember the deadline for the first mandatory assignment!

Publisert 4. sep. 2014 13:15

If you get the following error at IFI:

libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
libGL error: Try again with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose for more details.
X Error of failed request: GLXBadFBConfig
Major opcode of failed request: 154 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 34 ()
Serial number of failed request: 36
Current serial number in output stream: 35

it is most likely due to a recent upgrade of the linux distribution which has disturbed the OpenGL driver. I have contacted drift about this, and hope that it will be solved rapidly.

If the problem persists I may have to give an extension to the first mandatory assignment.

Publisert 4. sep. 2014 08:47

On some Linux distributions (or versions of GCC), you may have to change the order of options in the Makefile. Simply change




For details about this, see for example

Publisert 29. aug. 2014 08:37

Dear all,

you can find the first mandatory assignment here:

The template sourcecode is available here:

The deadline for handing in your solution is Monday September 8th 2014 at 14:00 (just before the tutorial)

I suggest you all get started with this assignment as soon as possible, and ask questions on the tutorial this Monday if there is anything that is unclear.

Publisert 29. aug. 2014 08:26

Under point 7 in the guide,

export PATH=$PATH:$(HOME)/inf3320/lib

should be replaced with

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/inf3320/lib

(note the missing parenthesis)

Publisert 27. aug. 2014 14:32

Please note that the tutorials have been moved to "Assembler", so you will all be able to code during the session.

Publisert 27. aug. 2014 09:34

The following PDF is a guide to get started with OpenGL at IFI: download. The Makefile mentioned is available here, and here is a source code example that should compile "out-of-the-box" if you follow the instructions.

Publisert 24. aug. 2014 19:16

Dear all,

the tentative dates for the mandatory assignments have been entered into the course calendar (see under tutorials). Please note that these dates may change, and are approximate at this time.

I've made available the evaluation guidelines for the mandatory assignments. Please make sure to read these and make certain that your hand-in meets the outlined requirements. The guidelines are her:

Publisert 24. aug. 2014 18:34

I remind you all that the tutorials start tomorrow, Monday 25th of August.

The following exercises will be solved during the tutorial:

The template code is available here:

The tutorials are a great way of learning the curriculum, so use this opportunity to get a flying start!