
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.08.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? 14:15 - 16. Multimedielaben, 4 379, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken? Introduction, competence? IT user competence

Slides Introduction?Subject matter areas?

27.08.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? 10:15 - 12. Multimediaroom 4 412, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken? Learning and competence for learning IT? Bransford, Brown and Cocking (eds.) (2000) How People Learn. Brain, Mind, Experience and School (Expanded Edition) National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 2000

Chapter 1. Learning: From Speculation to Science, pp.3-27

Chapter 3. Learning and Transfer, pp.51-78

Slides Competence for learning?

28.08.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? 10:15 - 12. Multimedielaben, 4 379, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken? Principles of IT? Understanding IT Concepts

Slides Understanding IT Concepts

Spread sheet file for formatting

Document file for formatting

Data for interference test?

31.08.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Learning concepts. Data structures? Data structures?
03.09.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? 12:15 - 14. Multimedielaben 4 379? Visualising the hidden? Visualising the hidden

Slides Data structures 2

Visualising the hidden?

04.09.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben 4 379? Visualising the hidden? Ideas for Task 1 and 2. Possible organisation of groups.

Slide design?

07.09.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Multi user applications? Muliti user applications

Slides Multi user applications?

10.09.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben ? Multi user applications? ?
11.09.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Metacognitive skills? Phelps at al (2005) The role of metacognitive and reflective learning processes in developing capable computer users Meeting at the crossroads: proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of ASCILITE, 9-12 December 2001

Schoenfeld (1992) Learning to Think Mathematically: Problem Solving, Metacognition, and Sense Making in Mathematics

Slides Metacognitive skills

Lab on metacognitive skills

Update on Task 1 and 2.?

14.09.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Instruction? Blanchard & Thacker (2007) Gagné-Briggs theory

Kaasb?ll (2002) Alternative to parrot training

Slides Instruction?

17.09.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben ? Evaluation of training? Mahapatra and Lai (2005) Evaluating End User Training Programs

Slides Evaluation of user training?

18.09.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Supervision and support? Wenger (2008) Communities of practice - a brief introduction

Munkvold (2003) End user support usage.

Kaasb?ll (2002) Superusers: how to improve user support and information flow?

Boudreau and Robey (2005) Enacting Integrated Information Technology: A Human Agency Perspective Jan/Feb 2005, 16(1) 3-18

Velsen and Steehouder (2007) Evaluation of User Support: Factors That Affect User Satisfaction With Helpdesks and Helplines

Slides on supervision and support?

21.09.2009Students? Multimedielaben? Presentation of Task 1? Javier


24.09.2009Students? Multimedielaben ? Presentation of Task 1? Pia: Example


Naveed: Presentation?

25.09.2009Students? Multimedielaben? Presentation of Task 1? Ingeborg



05.10.2009? ? ? ?
26.10.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? J?rgen presenting task 1. User support continued? J?rgen: Presentation

IT support

Slides: User support?

30.10.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Guidance on Task 2? ?
02.11.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? ? Software learnability? Slides: Software learnability?
05.11.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? IT literacy? Mitra et al (2005) Acquisition of computing literacy on shared public computers: children and the “hole in the wall.”

Auxiliary literature:

Being fluent with IT

Digital Literacy

Slides: IT literacy?

06.11.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Literacy tests? European Computer Driving Licence / Datakortet. Tests in English

Educational Testing Service iskills


Tester p? norsk → Testing → Demotest

Rigby (2004) Protecting the patient by promoting end-user competence in health informatics systems—moves towards a generic health computer user “driving license”

Slides on literacy tests?

09.11.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Guidance on Task 2? ?
12.11.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Cancelled? Videos:


Word Learning Zone


Slides: Tutorials?

13.11.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielabben? Construction of tutorials? Clark (2007) Leveraging Multimedia for Learning?
16.11.2009Jens Kaasb?ll? Multimedielaben? Guidance on Task 2? ?
23.11.2009Students? Multimedielaben? Cancelled? ?
27.11.2009Students? Multimedielaben? Rehersal of Task 1? Naveed


30.11.2009Students? Multimedielaben? Rehersal Task 1? Javier



03.12.2009Students? Multimedielaben? Rehersal Task 1? Xavier instructions Example?
04.12.2009Students? Multimedielaben? Rehersal Task 1, repetition? ?
07.12.2009Students? KL 12:15, Multimedielaben? Rehearsal task 1, repetition? Raoul



10.12.2009? ? Oral exam? Task 1: Presentation and teaching + discussion. Task 2: Discussion.

Zufan: Presentation Exercise Instruction?

Published Aug. 3, 2009 2:40 PM - Last modified Dec. 10, 2009 9:58 AM