Fasit is out INF4500.pdf
There are 2 questions/answers that are to "loose" (more than 1 possible answer). All right answers of these 2 questions will be considered correct
Results will be available in the end of this week
Anbefaler ? ikke bruke dette, det gir mye mer kontroll ? lage de 15-25 linjene med kode som skal til for ? drive stepper motorene selv, basert p? foiler fra forelesning
Current pinout configured by group no.2
Hvis noen lurer p? det s? bruker vi ikke PWM signal inn til motordriveren i prosjekt 2. PWM input m? da settes HIGH
Almost finished new CNC plaform
Spindle (Dremel) will be mounted tomorrow, Just use it for testing ...
I prosjekt 2 n?r dere bruker 3 steppmotorer p? en gang vil den lille batterieliminatoren v?re litt for svak. Bare bruk en av lab-spenningskildene.
I tillegg kan 12V til motordriveren blitt litt mye, 10V burde gi mindre varme.
1) Last ordinary lecture in the course is moved from 8/4 to after Easter - 22/4 due to various reasons 2) Lecture time at 8/4 and 6/5 can be used for project work for those of you that need it 2b) Project work at Wednesdays will go as planned. I will try to have some CNC platform available for 9/4 3) It may be problematic to obtain enough Arduino Due USB cables, if you can not find any you can use an ordinary Arduino Duemilanove card, and if you need more digital in/outputs all 6 "analog" pins can be used as regular digital in/outputs
Final demo of project 1 for all groups
Robin LAB
Expert panel -
See you all here with your walkers / X2
This will be fun!!
I turned out that it is better if you just send all prints as STL (directly from SolidWorks), then we are more flexible to use both printers if one is down
Please mail STL files to
with a cc to
No need to include Yngve Hafting
Next week I will go through several SolidWorks examples to better introduce you to the "parametric way of thinking". This will hopefully help you avoid getting into problematic situations.
I just verified the price of the textbook
Mastering CAD/CAM
in the Akademika store. I previously looked at the price tag (which is very unclear) and thought it was about 450kr. Particularly because there is a large sticker saying "TILBUD" ("offer"), and it also says "Tilbud" on the price tag. But what I now have learned is that "TILBUD" can also mean "you get the item at a higher price". I was missing a "1", so the right price is about 1450kr.....
Can be found at Wiley, bottom of page
- Yngve Hafting will give you all access to the lab/4th floor
- Start designing in SolidWorks for project 1
- Have a look at, and fix eventually problems with uneven distribution of students between the 10-15 - 12 and the 12.15-14 supervising time interval (there may be to many people in the lab at the same time)
Procedure: Our lab responsible Yngve Hafting wants to meet each one of you before he will give you access to the door. He will be at the lab 29 Jan, 10.15 - 14.00, If this gives you problems, or for any other questions about access - please contact him directly.
First lecture is Tuesday 21.Jan, time: 9.15-11.00, room: Sed, OJD 1454