
Published Nov. 11, 2009 10:31 PM

The fourth (and final) assignment is now available. Please submit your answers and Lisp code to `erikve' by the end of Sunday 22. November. PDF

Published Nov. 3, 2009 12:02 AM

While Gordana was on sick leave, Stephan had taken over grading of your submissions to the second problem set (i.e. the last part of the first obligatory exercise). My apologies for taking a little while on this, but at least the most important results are now registered in the IFI on-line system. From a total of 19 who submitted for Part A of the first problem set, 14 reached the minimum of 100 points over all problem sets for this first obligatory exercise. Two more cases are currently being negotiated in email. In total, a pretty good retention rate this far. Keep up the good work!

Published Nov. 2, 2009 11:44 AM

The third assignment is now available. This is part one-out-of-two for the second obligatory exercise. Please submit your answers and Lisp code to `erikve' and `gordanil' by the end of Sunday 8. November.

Published Oct. 1, 2009 3:48 PM

For some motivation as to how n-gram language models can be put to use in practise, here's a 5 minute video showcasing the spelling correction in Google Wave

Published Sep. 22, 2009 9:32 PM

Siste fristen til innlevering av oppgaven 1b blir utsatt til tirsdag, den 22.09. ved midnatt. Vi forst?r at de som har st?tt p? og slitt for ? f? levert innen den opprinnelige fristen kan f?le en viss frustrasjon, s? for ? tilf?ye en d?sj rettferdighet, senker vi poengsummen til de nyankomne oppgavene med 30%, slik at det blir maksimalt mulig ? f? 35 poeng (ut av 50 mulige). Med en middels solid del 1a, blir det mer enn nok til ? f? best?tt. Takk for en flott innsats til dem som har levert og lykke til til resten! -Erik og Gordana

Published Sep. 10, 2009 10:09 PM

To give people a little more time to get acquainted with our lisp development environment and everything, we have extended the submission deadline for Part A of the first problem set to Sunday, September 13 (end of the day). However, we would like to focus our efforts in the laboratory session tomorrow on Part B, i.e. on implementing and processing FSAs.

Published Sep. 8, 2009 8:32 PM

Please note the upcoming submission deadline for Part A of the first problem set. For the laboratory session on Friday, please make sure to bring your copy of Part B, which is available as of today. Minimally, everyone should have read through the problem set, reviewed the slide copies and relevant readings, and developed a strategy for approaching the implementation of FSAs. We have yet to introduce local variables in Lisp, so it may make sense to leave question (2), which is theoretical in nature, until next week. Finally, please remember that you can request help outside of class hours by emailing all three of us, i.e. Erik, Gordana, and Stephan. Always send us as much information as possible, e.g. relevant bits of code, a statement of expected behavior, and a summary of what actually happens. We will try to be helpful :-).

Published Aug. 20, 2009 11:03 PM

This course is open to international students; all readings are in English and instruction will be offered in English (if all participants are Norwegian, most of the instruction will likely be in Norwegian, nevertheless :-). The first meeting of the course is on Tuesday, August 25, 2008.