
Publisert 21. nov. 2017 11:15

We are finalizing the list of students qualified for the exam. To get this communicated to the faculty administration, we actually had to record preliminary feedback in Devilry; for reasons of time, we just published the minimum number of points you will receive, which will determine whether or not you will be registered for the exam.  More complete feedback (and possibly a higher number of total points) will be published as quickly as possible.

To reward everyone who has worked with us through out the semester, we include the bonus points for those who filled the mid-term evaluation form against the total sum for the third obligatory exercise, and we lower the passing threshold to a minimum of ten points. 

All the students who submitted for problem set (3b) have qualified for the exam - congratulations! 

Tomorrow, in our last lecture, we will use about half of the lecture to prepare for the exam,...

Publisert 3. nov. 2017 15:10

We have just posted the second (and final) part of our third obligatory exercise, which is due in two weeks from today (November 17). 

The first and ‘middle’ parts of this problem set build on the theory that was introduced in the most recent lectures.

This exercise also offers an optional third part, which calls for combination of our chart parser implementation with the HMM tagger and implementation of additional optimizations; submissions to this optional part will be rewarded with up to ten bonus points—so it should really be possible for everyone who starts work on this assignment about now to qualify for the exam, if you just work hard enough on it.  Besides offering bonus points, working on the optional final part will also be fun and great programming practice

Publisert 1. nov. 2017 09:19

Due to illness we are forced to cancel the lecture today.  We have posted the slides and the 2016 screencast to the course schedule and ask everyone to work through those.  This coming week, Fredrik j?rgnsen will deliver a guest lecture on ‘dense’ embeddings, and Stephan will be back on November 15 to wrap up the segment on grammatical analysis.


Publisert 18. okt. 2017 14:09

We have published Exercise (3a); the submission deadline for this assignment will be at midnight (23:59) on Thursday, November 2.

Publisert 2. okt. 2017 15:56

We have published Exercise (2b); the submission deadline for this assignment will be at midnight (23:59) on Monday, October 16.

Publisert 15. sep. 2017 14:47

We have published Exercise (2a); the submission deadline for this assignment will be at midnight (23:59) on Sunday, October 1. 


Good luck!

Publisert 1. sep. 2017 10:07

We have just linked the slides and screencast from the introductory lecture on Common Lisp to the course schedule.  Ordinarily, we will aim to have materials on-line the day after the lecture (the screencasts take about 12 hours of off-line processing before they become available to us), hence we are sorry it took a little longer this time!


Publisert 30. aug. 2017 14:15

We have published Exercise (1) for this term, which serves to acquire basic Lisp programming skills and reflect on the process of reading running text and breaking it up into word-like units. 

The submission deadline for this assignment will be at midnight (23:59) on Thursday, September 14.

If you have not already done so, please have a look at the Common Lisp Set-Up guide on how to get up and running with Common Lisp.

In the first laboratory session tomorrow, August will give a walk-through of our Common Lisp development environment and help you with the first obligatory exercise. 

As additional background, please take a look at the SLIME Documentation, ...

Publisert 24. aug. 2017 14:23

We have published the schedule for the obligatory assignments, please see this page

Publisert 16. aug. 2017 16:13

Our first lecture will be on Wednesday, 23 August. 

We will publish the slides, organizational information, announcements and other course-related material on the course pages. We are still populating the pages with more information; however, the following pages already include some information and should serve as a good starting-point to familiarize yourself with the course and the course pages: